The Thing In The Sky

Author: Angela Ding
4 years ago

Riddle: So Farmer Joe has a sheep. He takes away the legs, arms, head and tail by accident instead, of making green dye. Farmer Joe was really surprised by what came out. What did he see?
Answer: A sheep with no legs, arms, head and tail, if you think about it, it is a: CLOUD
So Farmer Joe has a sheep. He takes away the legs, arms, head and tail by accident instead, of making green dye. Farmer Joe was really surprised by what came out. What did he see?
The Thing in the Sky by Angela Ding v1.

Riddle: So Farmer Joe has a sheep. He takes away the legs, arms, head and tail by accident instead, of making green dye. Farmer Joe was really surprised by what came out. What did he see? Answer: A sheep with no legs, arms, head and tail, if you think about it, it is a: CLOUD
by Angela Ding v2.