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Thanksgiving Riddles To Solve

We started the Thanksgiving Riddle tradition out of sheer boredom, sitting around with the family after a traditional turkey dinner. riddles were a great way to make people laugh and engage in conversation.  Try it for yourself, start with our Thanksgiving Riddles, and move on to our famous Best Riddles.

Riddle: Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
Answer: In the dictionary.
Thanksgiving Riddles
Riddle: Five apples are in a basket. How do you divide them among five girls so that each girl gets an apple, but one apple remains in the basket?
Answer: Give the fifth girl her apple in the basket.
Riddle: Why did they let the Turkey join the Thanksgiving band?
Answer: Because he had the drumsticks.
Thanksgiving Riddles
Riddle: Why did the turkey cross the road?
Answer: To prove he wasn't chicken.
Riddle: You pick it, You peel the outside, You cook the inside, You eat the outside, And throw away the inside. What is it?
Answer: An ear of corn.
Thanksgiving Riddles
Riddle: What smells the best at Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: Your nose.
Riddle: What is the best key to a good dinner?
Answer: A tur-key.
Thanksgiving Riddles
Riddle: What kind of key do you use on Thanksgiving?
Answer: A Turkey.
Riddle: Why didn't the turkey finish its dessert?
Answer: Because it was stuffed.
Riddle: You buy me taken apart, To redo what has been undone; Four of my pieces have one sharp corner, The rest of them have none. What am I?
Answer: A jigsaw puzzle.
Riddle: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?
Answer: The outside.
Riddle: If April showers bring may flowers, what do may flowers bring?
Answer: Pilgrims. Alternate answer: Prankenstein (instead of Pilgrims).  A twist on the classic riddle, “Prankenstein” (a play on Frankenstein) fits the monstrously playful spirit of April Fools'.
Riddle: John bet Tom $100 that he can predict the score of the football game before it starts. Tom agrees but loses the bet. Why did Tom lose the bet?
Answer: John said the score would be 0-0 and he was right. "Before" any football game starts, the score is always 0-0.
Riddle: Why did the football team go to the bank?
Answer: To get a quarter back!
Riddle: Where did pilgrims land when they arrived in America?
Answer: On their feet.
Riddle: What do you call unhappy cranberries?
Answer: Blueberries.
Riddle: What are three keys that open no doors?
Answer: MonKEYs, donKEYs, and turKeys.
Riddle: What has 22 legs and 2 wings?
Answer: A football team!
Riddle: Of everybody, you could ask to join you for Thanksgiving dinner, who would always say no?
Answer: The turkey!
Riddle: Fill each blank with the suitable country: "I am _______." "Maybe you should _____ the fridge." "I'm _______ to the kitchen." "Is there any ______?" "We have some, but it's covered in ______" "Ew, there's ______I'd eat that!"
Answer: “I am hungary.” “Maybe you should czech the fridge.” “I’m russian to the kitchen.” “Is there any turkey?” “We have some, but it’s covered in greece” “ew, there’s norway I’d eat that!”
Riddle: Why is it always hot at the end of a football game?
Answer: Because all of the FANS have gone home.
Riddle: It's Thanksgiving, and your mom has enlisted your help in making dessert. She has settled on pie, so the two of you get to work. You turn your back for one second before realizing a pie is missing from the lineup. There were 2 apples, 1 cherry, 1 pumpkin, and 1 blueberry. Unfortunately, the blueberry one is missing. You decide to go question your siblings and find out who knows something. They all claimed to be in their rooms at the time of the baking. You: Okay, who took it? We had 5 pies ready for the feast when everyone gets here and now we're down to 4. Do any of you know where the missing pie went? Wendy: What?! You're accusing me? I bet you ate it. You probably couldn't resist and are trying to frame us again! Damien: I don't know, check in Wally's room? You know how much he likes blueberry and apple pie, right? Tess: I'm allergic to blueberry, you know that! Mom had to warn me so I wouldn't eat it when the time came! Wally: Come on, I may like pie, but do you really think I would sneak behind Mommy's back and eat it? It's pretty clear to you who ate the pie. You tell your mom what they said and she gathered them all into the living room. "Okay," she said to you, "on the count of three, point to who you think did it. I'll do it too. One - two - three!" You and your mom point to the same person... who did you point to?
Answer: Damien. You may think it's Tess, but she would know about the flavor because your mom told her. But how would Damien know about it?
Riddle: What do you call a naughty turkey?
Answer: Dinner.
Riddle: Streets can go through me, but roads can't. Goodwill can go through me, but not the Salvation Army. Trees can go through me, but bushes can't. Football can go through me, but not rugby. Can a tennis ball go through me?
Answer: Yes. For something to go through, it has to have two of the same letter in a row. Tennis ball has that occurring twice. Nn and ll.
Riddle: Why did all the pecans go to space?
Answer: They were Astro-nuts!
Riddle: Why did the Indian chief wear so many feathers?
Answer: To keep his wigwam.
Riddle: What was the pilgrim favorite type of music?
Answer: Plymouth Rock.
Riddle: Where do Turkeys go to dance?
Answer: The Butter Ball.
Riddle: What does a turkey do when it flys upside down?
Answer: It gobbles up.
Riddle: Why is a farm-yard like a hotel?
Answer: It is generally patronized by gobblers.
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Thanksgiving Riddles Answers:

  1. In the dictionary.
  2. Give the fifth girl her apple in the basket.
  3. Because he had the drumsticks.
  4. To prove he wasn't chicken.
  5. An ear of corn.
  6. Your nose.
  7. A tur-key.
  8. A Turkey.
  9. Because it was stuffed.
  10. A jigsaw puzzle.
  11. The outside.
  12. Pilgrims. Alternate answer: Prankenstein (instead of Pilgrims).  A twist on the classic riddle, “Prankenstein” (a play on Frankenstein) fits the monstrously playful spirit of April Fools'.
  13. John said the score would be 0-0 and he was right. "Before" any football game starts, the score is always 0-0.
  14. To get a quarter back!
  15. On their feet.
  16. Blueberries.
  17. MonKEYs, donKEYs, and turKeys.
  18. A football team!
  19. The turkey!
  20. “I am hungary.” “Maybe you should czech the fridge.” “I’m russian to the kitchen.” “Is there any turkey?” “We have some, but it’s covered in greece” “ew, there’s norway I’d eat that!”
  21. Because all of the FANS have gone home.
  22. Damien. You may think it's Tess, but she would know about the flavor because your mom told her. But how would Damien know about it?
  23. Dinner.
  24. Yes. For something to go through, it has to have two of the same letter in a row. Tennis ball has that occurring twice. Nn and ll.
  25. They were Astro-nuts!
  26. To keep his wigwam.
  27. Plymouth Rock.
  28. The Butter Ball.
  29. It gobbles up.
  30. It is generally patronized by gobblers.