Funny zombie riddles from the original Riddles website. These are the best zombie riddles, jokes, and brain teasers for kids and adults. Entertain your classmates or share with your family.
1. Riddle: Why don't zombies eat popcorn with their fingers?
Answer: Because they prefer to eat their fingers separately.
2. Riddle: What does a vegetarian zombie eat?
Answer: Graaaaaaaains!
3. Riddle: I am dead but alive, I eat but am never satisfied, I consume knowledge but gain none. What am I?
Answer: A Zombie.
4. Riddle: You walk into your house you see three doors you've never seen before. One vampire bat that will suck your blood. Two zombies that will eat your brain. Three a lion that hasn't eaten for over six months. Which one do you go through?
Answer: Three a lion that hasn't eaten for over 6 months because he would be dead.
Related: Halloween Riddles
5. Riddle: Where do zombies go on vacation?
Answer: The Dead Sea.
7. Riddle: What kind of streets do zombies like?
Answer: Dead ends!
8. Riddle: What did the zombie bring to bed?
Answer: A deaddy bear.
9. Riddle: What does a vegetarian zombie say?
Answer: 'G'rainsss!
10. Riddle: Where do zombies go for a night out?
Answer: Club Dead.
11. Riddle: What did the zombie eat for breakfast?
Answer: Raisen Brain!
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