1. Riddle: I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
2. Riddle: I was carried into a dark room, and set on fire. I wept, and then my head was cut off. What am I?
Answer: A Candle.
3. Riddle: If a fire hydrant has H2O inside, what does it have on the outside?
Answer: K9P (you'll get it eventually).
4. Riddle: No legs have I to dance, No lungs have I to breathe, No life have I to live or die And yet I do all three. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
5. Riddle: If I eat I live yet if I drink I die. What am I ?
Answer: Fire.
6. Riddle: What lives as long as it eats but dies when it drinks?
Answer: Fire.
7. Riddle: There are three doors. In each door is a way to die. The first door has fire and lava. The second door has lions that haven't eaten in 5 years. In the third door, there is a 1,000-foot drop into alligators. Which door will you likely survive?
Answer: The second door with the lions. Since they haven't eaten in 5 years they will have died.
8. Riddle: If there is a Yellow house on Bluebird Lane, a Green house on Orange Street, a Pink house on Kitten Road, a Black house on Whitehorse Pike and a Purple house on Firebird hill, where is the White house?
Answer: Washington, D.C.
9. Riddle: If you feed me, I live, but if you water me, I die. What am I?
Answer: A Fire
10. Riddle: You can feel me but, I can't feel you. I can uproot trees and tear roofs off their houses. Yet, I can make a Baby sleep and be gentle. I can howl and whisper. I can spread and stop fires. I can toss boats and help them glide too. What am I?
Answer: I am the wind.
Related: Black Riddles
11. Riddle: Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
Answer: Fire!
12. Riddle: If I drink, I die, if I eat, I'm fine. What am I?
Answer: Fire!
13. Riddle: I am always hungry, I must always be fed, The finger I touch will soon turn red. What am I?
Answer: I am fire.
14. Riddle: I eat, I live. I breathe, I live. I drink, I die. What am I?
Answer: Fire
15. Riddle: If I drink, I die. If i eat, I am fine. What am I?
Answer: A fire.
16. Riddle: What can't be burned in fire, nor drowned in water?
Answer: Ice.
17. Riddle: One day, a thirty story building was on fire. A man jumped out a window and nothing happened to him. Nothing was under him. How is this possible?
Answer: He was first floor.
18. Riddle: I can be half without getting thinner. I can shine with no fire. I can be hidden but never taken. I can stay dry while moving the ocean. What am I?
Answer: The Moon.
19. Riddle: I live in a really noisy place, And I only appear when my loud friend is with me. I have my house high in the air, and I cause deadly fires. What am I?
Answer: Lightning lives in a noisy place, And it doesn't appear without thunder. It has it's house high in the air, And it cause deadly fires.
20. Riddle: Crimson I am born, yellow I dance, ebony I die. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
Related: Dark Riddles
21. Riddle: I truly am cause for alarm. When you see me you can lose your house or your life. When you hear me you can also lose your job. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
22. Riddle: I have a butt, but I'm not alive. I bring smoke, but am not fire. I destroy, I kill, though I am not used in a war. What am I?
Answer: A cigarette.
23. Riddle: Despised I am by knave and liar. After me, the wise inquire, I rise above all death and fire. What am I?
Answer: The Truth.
24. Riddle: I am hewn from Earth and Fire; But to the sky, I aspire. I am nothing but contented; Until my patient rage is vented. What am I?
Answer: A volcano.
25. Riddle: The ghost of the mountain never to be seen, leaps like a raging fire to catch his prey. As pale as the moon but fast as the wind. Cold as ice, but a flash of light in the night. What is it?
Answer: A snow leopard.
26. Riddle: What insect does a blacksmith manufacture?
Answer: He makes the firefly.
27. Riddle: A group of men is suddenly awakened by a loud, piercing, continuous sound. They all scramble out of their beds, get dressed, grab a pole, and disappear into a hole. What in the world are these men doing?
Answer: The men are firemen who were on night-shift duty at their firehouse. When they heard the fire alarm, they got dressed, slid down the fire pole, and got in the fire truck.
28. Riddle: Fire is often maintained above me, and if you remove my first letter, you will find the home shared by everyone you have ever known. What am I?
Answer: A Hearth.
29. Riddle: Why does a firefly glow?
Answer: It eats light meals.
30. Riddle: I am energy. I am heat. I am hot. I am red. What am I?
Answer: I am fire.
Related: Dirty Riddles
31. Riddle: A group of men are suddenly awakened by a loud, piercing, continuous sound. They all scramble out of their beds, get dressed, grab a pole, and disappear into a hole. What in the world are these men doing?
Answer: They are firemen who were sleeping in their fire station. When they heard the fire alarm, they quickly got dressed, slid down the fire pole, and got in the fire engine to head to the reported fire.
32. Riddle: What can be underwater, under fire, on fire and taking water all at the same time?
Answer: Submarine. Underwater meaning in water. Under fire meaning getting shot at. On fire meaning burning. Taking water meaning water is flooding into or through something.
33. Riddle: Why did the duck get fired from his Easter job?
Answer: He kept quacking the eggs.
34. Riddle: What insect does a blacksmith manufacture?
Answer: He makes the firefly.
35. Riddle: I am very important to all living creatures. I was firstborn in the sun. I am a chapter in textbooks and I am not made of fire. I make the sun-worthy. Too much of me may kill you. But humans can still prevent me. What am I?
Answer: Heat!
36. Riddle: I can make many people scream yet I can still be seen I make many things grow yet still I can melt the snow. What am I?
Answer: I am fire.
37. Riddle: As destructive as life, As healing as death; An institutioner of strife, Just as prone to bless. It is all that is good, Yet with an evil trend; As it was the beginning of things, It can also be the end. What is it?
Answer: It is fire!
38. Riddle: In me a gas is confined, Upon my head a pot, And out of me is fire. What I am?
Answer: A gas cooker!
39. Riddle: I give you a group of three. One is sitting down, and will never get up. The second eats as much as is given to him, yet is always hungry. The third goes away and never returns. What are the three things?
Answer: Stove, fire, and smoke.
40. Riddle: Why is the letter F like an incendiary?
Answer: Because it makes ire fire.
Related: Murder Riddles
41. Riddle: My head and the point are made from same. I am held by what's taken apart from the grain. I am atop of a great ocean beast. My swing will let fire and lead release. What am I?
Answer: Hammer.
42. Riddle: What did the parrot say on the 4th of July?
Answer: "Poly wants a firecracker!"
43. Riddle: What did the firecracker say to the other firecracker?
Answer: "My pop is bigger than your pop".
44. Riddle: Inside a burning house, this thing is best to make. And best to make it quickly, before the fire's too much to take! What is it?
Answer: Haste!
45. Riddle: The fire shows - my kin, born. The fire grows - my kin, adorn. The fire slows - my kin, deform. The fire goes - my kin, mourn.
Answer: Fruit-bearing tree through the four seasons.
46. Riddle: What is dressed when night falls and undressed when day breaks?
Answer: Fire.
47. Riddle: When is a ship at sea not on the water?
Answer: When she is on fire.
48. Riddle: Name three things that? 1. Are red 2. Can swim 3. Give off heat
Answer: Answers may vary. 1. Apples, Roses, Stop Signs 2. Fish, Dogs, Snakes 3. Sun, Fire, Your body
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