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A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?
Answer: An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but I never sleep. I can take a man's house and build another, And I love to play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?
Answer: The King of Hearts in a deck of cards.
I can't be bought, but I can be stolen with a glance. I'm worthless to one, but priceless to two. What am I?
Answer: Love.
There was a man who wanted to prove his love to his wife. So, he climbed the highest mountain, swam the deepest ocean and walked the biggest desert. What do you think his wife said?
Answer: Nothing. She divorced him for never being at home.
How do you know that a vampire loves baseball?
Answer: Because he turns into a bat every night.
I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I'm sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. I can be given to many, or just one. What am I?
Answer: Love.
I am served at a table, In gatherings of two or four; Served small, white and round. You'll love some, And that's part of the fun. What am I?
Answer: Ping Pong Balls.
What costs nothing but is worth everything, weighs nothing but lasts a lifetime, that one person can't own but two can share?
Answer: Love. ❤️
Lovely and round, I shine with pale light, grown in the darkness, A lady's delight. What am I?
Answer: A Pearl.
I love to dance and twist and prance, I shake my tail, and as away I sail, wingless I fly into the sky. What am I?
Answer: A Kite.
Three simple words, but life changing. What are they?
Answer: I love you.
What is rarer and more valuable than gold, but easier to lose?
Answer: Love/ Friendship.
It's raining, and you pass a bus stop. There are three people there; your trustworthy friend, the love of your life, and a woman about to go into labor. Your smart car only has two seats. What do you do?
Answer: You first give your keys to your friend and let them take the woman to a hospital, then you wait for the bus with your love.
A thousand colored folds stretch toward the sky, Atop a tender strand, Rising from the land, 'Til killed by maiden's hand, Perhaps a token of love, perhaps to say goodbye. What am I?
Answer: A flower.
What fruit loves to go crazy and wild?
Answer: Bananas.
I am a feeling expressed by words. Truthfully told by few, lies from many. I can cause the greatest happiness, or the deepest sorrow. Yet one still comes back tomorrow. What am I?
Answer: Love.
I drive men mad For love of me, Easily beaten, Never free. What Am I?
Answer: Gold.
How can you fall without getting hurt?
Answer: If you fall in LOVE!
I have freedom from hate, but not from lies. I'm usually seen through clouded eyes. I come unexpected, though you wait for me all your life. I can't be brought yet some people try. What am I?
Answer: I am true love.
What has eyes but can't see, a tongue but can't talk, and a soul but can never find love?
Answer: A shoe.
I leave you with a thought that fades out of sight. Product of the mind, undone by first light. Creator of hope, hell and heaven above. Made by wonder, fear, and perhaps true love. What am I?
Answer: Dreams.
I am the beginning of enemity; the end of life and love; honey can't be without me; yet sugar can be without me. I am the fifth child of my parent's 26 children. What am I?
Answer: The letter E.
I am present at the beginning of love, the start of life and I am the end of evil. What am I?
Answer: The letter 'L'.
What did the painter say to his Valentine?
Answer: “I love you with all my art!”
Some need me, some don't. Some want me, some don't. Some chase me, some don't. Some deserve me, some don't. Yet no one knows when I come. What am I?
Answer: Love.
I'm sometimes white, and always wrong. I can break a heart and hurt the strong. I can build love and tear it down. I can make a smile, but more often bring a frown. What am I?
Answer: I am a lie.
I may be hard, I may be rough, Bound in the round to claim a love. What am I?
Answer: Diamond.
What is invisible and makes people suffer from symptoms like sweating and nausea, yet people can't survive without it?
Answer: Love.
Not only am I powerful enough to hurt like no other, I also have the power to heal like no other, but just like everything else, I can break. Life would be impossible without me, but it's already near impossible to find me. What am I?
Answer: True love.
Everything is legitimate in matters pertaining to ardent affection and armed conflict between nations. What is the proverb?
Answer: All's fair in love and war!
When it's gone bad and flat I hate it but when it's fresh and fizzy I love to taste it. What is it?
Answer: Soda.
What do you call two birds that are in love?
Answer: Tweet-hearts
I can bring power, money, connections, repute, and admiration, but I'm useless in the face of love and friendship. Treat others with me, and you'll avoid heartbreak, but you'll also gain endless loneliness. What am I?
Answer: Disguise.
Its waves and ripples please us all, We love to see it flying. And none can make a better one, You’ll waste your time in trying. What is it?
Answer: Our flag.
I've always had a pet pirate, you see. One who will forever love me. Now if you just repronounced my pet, then you shall get I am TOTALLY not insane and made an AMAZING rhyme! What is it?
Answer: It's a rat. Get it? A PIE RAT? Hehe.
Stealthy as a shadow in the dead of night, Cunning but affectionate if given a bite. Never owned but often loved. At my sport considered cruel, But that's because you never know me at all. What am I?
Answer: A cat.
How you describe me is what I am. Poets might hate me, but sailors should love me. I can't give them the sea, but only something that sounds like it. What am I?
Answer: An orange. (Note: orange doesn't rhyme with anything, and it gives sailors vitamin C (a homophone of sea))
I am served at a table, In gatherings of two or four. Served small, white and round. You'll love some, And that's part of the fun. What am I?
Answer: Ping-pong balls.
There was a boy named Bob. Bob really loved apples. One time, he took a basket full of apples and ran to his house behind the owner of the apples. The owner saw Bob running back to his house and didn't ran after. Why?
Answer: The basket of apples are free.
Whether you choose or whether you don't, I leap from the peak to the hope of a bond. Attempts to extinguish my work's divine, Only hardens the grip-holds in time. What am I?
Answer: Love.
What do you call a tick that loves math?
Answer: An Arithme-tic.
What did the baby robot say to his mom?
Answer: "I love you watts and watts."
A single word which is versatile, it can be a letter, unknown to the problem, a variable, a target, a love, an intercept, and a type of chromosome. What am I?
Answer: X.
Loneliness isn't the key. One's you're touched you are free. Violence is not powerful. Every start means something. What is that something?
Answer: Love.
We are always found two in a coffin, when we are separated from each other, we love to start a fight, and also together, we make a difference. What are we?
Answer: The letter F.
There was a man who everybody called Batman he knew nothing about bats and thought they were gross. He still loved it when people called him Batman! How could this be?
Answer: He was the star baseball player!
Roses are red, Violets are blue; And I'm forever saying: I love you. What am I?
Answer: A Valentine.
I'm the person that God made me. I'm caring. I'm nice. I love my family. I'm myself. Who am I?
Answer: I'm a human being.
My love's the type of thing you have to earn, but when you earn it, you won't need it. Who am I?
Answer: God. Credit: Bo Burnham, Musical Comedian, Song title- "God's Perspective".
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