The Lion, The Tiger And The Jaguar

Author: R and B
7 years ago

Riddle: You are lost in a forest, and you must get home before dark. Whilst walking through the forest, you come across three paths. The first path leads to a lion. The second path leads to a tiger. The third path leads to a jaguar. Which path do you take?
Answer: Take the Jaguar, because it's a car.
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You are lost in a forest, and you must get home before dark. Whilst walking through the forest, you come across three paths. The first path leads to a lion. The second path leads to a tiger. The third path leads to a jaguar. Which path do you take?
The Lion, The Tiger and The Jaguar by R and B v1.

Riddle: You are lost in a forest, and you must get home before dark. Whilst walking through the forest, you come across three paths. The first path leads to a lion. The second path leads to a tiger. The third path leads to a jaguar. Which path do you take? Answer: Take the Jaguar, because it's a car.
by R and B v2.