Question: cannot be seen;cannot be felt
cannot be heard;cannot be smelt
it lies behind stars and under hills
empty holes it fills
it comes first and follow after
ends life kills laughter.
what can it be?
Question: There was a man with a goat, a wolf, and some cabbages was going to the market and he needed to get across a river. His boat could only carry two things(him included). His problem was that if he took the cabbages first, then the wolf would eat the goat. But If he took the wolf and left the goat and cabbages, then the goat would eat the cabbages. How did he get all three of them across the river without leaving any of them?
Answer: He took the goat first because he knew the wolf wouldn't eat the cabbages. Then, he took the wolf over, but on the way back, he picked up the goat with him. He drooped the goat off and took the cabbages and left them with the wolf and then went back and got the goat brought him over.
Question: What common English word will describe a person or thing as not being found in any place and yet with no changes other than a space between syllables, will correctly describe that person or thing as being actually present at this very moment?
Answer: The word is "NOWHERE". When a space is placed between the 'w' and 'h', you get the words "NOW HERE".
Question: a father (who's a doctor) and his son were driving in a car and they get into a horrible accident. the father dies and the son is in critical condition. the ambulance arrives and brings the son to the hospital. the doctor is about to operate on the son until the doctor said "i can't operate on him, he's my son". Who's the doctor that won't operate on the son?
Question: Ted & Bob were eating seagull soup.....After the first bite he went home to kill himself.Why did he kill himself?
P.S.The soup was not rotten.There was NOTHING wrong with it.
Answer: A while back he,Bob,& TED'S WIFE were on a ship....they were starving.Bob said to Ted"Your wife has drowned trying to get food.....But she suggesfully got a seagull"So they ate seagull soup.After,Bob toke Ted out to get sea~food.He had seagull soup...But he went to kill himself because the first seagull soup he had that day WAS HIS WIFE
A magician was boasting one day at how long he could hold his breath under water. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, "that's nothing, I can stay under water for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!" The magician told the kid if he could do that, he'd give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. Can you figure out how?
Answer: The kid filled a glass of water and held it over his head for 10 minutes.
a little girl named maissa used the toilet in the
kitchen but she didn't use the 1 in the bathroom. her mother told her always to follow the rules and and to use the 1 in the bathroom.
melisa didn't brake any rule and loved to listen
to her mother. how is this possible?
Answer: melisa and maissa are diferent people