Seagull Soup

Published: Nov 30, 1999
Riddle: Ted & Bob were eating seagull soup.....After the first bite he went home to kill himself.Why did he kill himself?

P.S.The soup was not rotten.There was NOTHING wrong with it.
Answer: A while back he,Bob,& TED'S WIFE were on a ship....they were starving.Bob said to Ted"Your wife has drowned trying to get food.....But she suggesfully got a seagull"So they ate seagull soup.After,Bob toke Ted out to get sea~food.He had seagull soup...But he went to kill himself because the first seagull soup he had that day WAS HIS WIFE
seagull soup Riddle Meme.
seagull soup Riddle Meme.
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