Killed, Or Frightened?

Author: Siyan
5 years ago

Riddle: The Riddle family was found dead in their dining room. They had a look of horror on their faces when found. They only had carrots and meat to eat. No poison was found in their dinner. But not a single drop of blood was found. No water was used as their drainage was blocked. How were they killed?
Answer: They were killed by Lord Voldemort, using the killing curse. Or, they were choked from the bulky carrots in their supper.
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The Riddle family was found dead in their dining room. They had a look of horror on their faces when found. They only had carrots and meat to eat. No poison was found in their dinner. But not a single drop of blood was found. No water was used as their drainage was blocked. How were they killed?
Killed, or frightened? by Siyan v1.

Riddle: The Riddle family was found dead in their dining room. They had a look of horror on their faces when found. They only had carrots and meat to eat. No poison was found in their dinner. But not a single drop of blood was found. No water was used as their drainage was blocked. How were they killed? Answer: They were killed by Lord Voldemort, using the killing curse. Or, they were choked from the bulky carrots in their supper.
by Siyan v2.