Trouble Trouble

Author: Tisha Madan
8 years ago

Riddle: There is a man, with his horse he is going to a town. The man went to the town on Monday. He stayed there for 3 days and then he came back on Friday. How? His horse was not tired, he wasn't sleepy and took rest.
Answer: The horse's name was Friday.
There is a man, with his horse he is going to a town. The man went to the town on Monday. He stayed there for 3 days and then he came back on Friday. How?  His horse was not tired, he wasn't sleepy and took rest.
Trouble trouble by Tisha Madan v1.

Riddle: There is a man, with his horse he is going to a town. The man went to the town on Monday. He stayed there for 3 days and then he came back on Friday. How?  His horse was not tired, he wasn't sleepy and took rest. Answer: The horse's name was Friday.
by Tisha Madan v2.