Riddle: What room do ghosts avoid?
Answer: The living room.
Halloween Riddles
Riddle: How do you spell candy in 2 letters?
Answer: C and y c(and)y.
Riddle: Which part of a road do Ghost's love to travel the most?
Answer: The Dead End.
Halloween Riddles
Riddle: When is it bad luck to see a black cat?
Answer: When you are a mouse.
Riddle: Why did Snap, Crackle and Pop get scared?
Answer: They heard there was a cereal killer on the loose.
Halloween Riddles
Riddle: What is a ghost's favorite dessert?
Answer: Ice Scream.
Riddle: Why didn't the Mummy have any friends?
Answer: He was too wrapped up in himself.
Halloween Riddles
Riddle: Why didn't the monster eat the crazy person?
Answer: He was allergic to nuts.
Riddle: How do you fix a broken jack-o-lantern?
Answer: With a pumpkin patch.
Riddle: Where does a werewolf like to hide?
Answer: In your claws-it.
Riddle: How do you know that a vampire loves baseball?
Answer: Because he turns into a bat every night.
Riddle: What type of music is a mummy's favorite?
Answer: Wrap.
Riddle: What jack has a head but no body?
Answer: Jack-o-lantern.
Riddle: Why did the vampire take art class?
Answer: He wanted to learn how to draw blood.
Riddle: What kind of makeup is a ghost's favorite to wear?
Answer: Mas-scare-a.
Riddle: You're in a room and there is a ghost in the room, but you're the only one in the room. How is this possible?
Answer: You're the ghost.
Riddle: Where do baby ghosts go while their parents work?
Answer: To day scare!
Riddle: What did the spider say to the fly on Halloween?
Answer: The web is the trick and you are the treat.
Riddle: What do you call a witch that lives on the beach?
Answer: Sandwitch.
Riddle: Who was the most famous Skeleton detective?
Answer: Sherlock Bones.
Riddle: What is a ghost's favorite fruit?
Riddle: What instrument does a skeleton play?
Answer: Trombone.
Riddle: What do you get if you cross a snowman with a witch?
Answer: A cold spell.
Riddle: What do ghosts like to do on a Saturday night?
Answer: BOOGIE.
Riddle: What was the spider doing on the baseball team?
Answer: Catching flies.
Riddle: What kind of dog does Dracula have?
Answer: A blood-hound.
Riddle: What is a vampire's favorite fruit?
Answer: A neck-tarine!
Riddle: How do monsters like their eggs?
Answer: Terri-Fried.
Riddle: What do witches ask for when they stop at a hotel?
Answer: Broom Service or A broom with a view.
Riddle: What should you say when you meet a ghost in your bedroom?
Answer: "How do you boo?"
Riddle: What do you call an out of work Ghost?
Answer: Lazy Bones.
Riddle: Why did the game warden arrest the Ghost?
Answer: He did not have a current haunting license.
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Footnote: This riddle quiz is printable and downloadable as a Halloween Riddles PDF.  You can also print the Halloween riddle quiz with or without answer boxes below each riddle. The riddle answers print on a separate page.


Halloween Riddles Answers:

  1. The living room.
  2. C and y c(and)y.
  3. The Dead End.
  4. When you are a mouse.
  5. They heard there was a cereal killer on the loose.
  6. Ice Scream.
  7. He was too wrapped up in himself.
  8. He was allergic to nuts.
  9. With a pumpkin patch.
  10. In your claws-it.
  11. Because he turns into a bat every night.
  12. Wrap.
  13. Jack-o-lantern.
  14. He wanted to learn how to draw blood.
  15. Mas-scare-a.
  16. You're the ghost.
  17. To day scare!
  18. The web is the trick and you are the treat.
  19. Sandwitch.
  20. Sherlock Bones.
  22. Trombone.
  23. A cold spell.
  24. BOOGIE.
  25. Catching flies.
  26. A blood-hound.
  27. A neck-tarine!
  28. Terri-Fried.
  29. Broom Service or A broom with a view.
  30. "How do you boo?"
  31. Lazy Bones.
  32. He did not have a current haunting license.