
Riddle Count: 3
Riddle: A man says I can guess the score of a football game before it starts he gives a guess and he is right. How?
Answer: The score is always 0-0 before the game starts.
The fortune teller Riddle Meme.
The fortune teller Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You are a bus driver, you pick up 2 people, drop off 1 and then pick up 10 more and drop off 5. What is the bus driver's name?
Answer: It is what ever your name is.
The Bus Driver Riddle Meme.
The Bus Driver Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A Dad and his Son get into a car accident. The Dad dies. The son gets rushed to the hospital. The doctor comes in and says "I can not operate on this child for he is my son." Who Is The Doctor?
Answer The riddle "Car Accident" is unanswered. ANSWER
Car Accident Riddle Meme.
Car Accident Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.