Riddle: Why do mummies like Christmas so much?
Answer: Because of all the wrapping.
Riddle: Why was the picture sent to jail?
Answer: Because it was framed.
Riddle: What type of music do rabbits listen to?
Answer: Hip hop.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What did the tree wear to the pool?
Answer: Swim trunks!
Riddle: What do you call cheese that belongs to someone else?
Answer: Nacho cheese!
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What do elves learn in school?
Answer: The elf-abet.
Riddle: What kind of nut has no shell?
Answer: A Doughnut.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: Why weren't the tennis players allowed in the restaurant?
Answer: Because they make too much racquet. 
Riddle: What is harder to catch the faster you run?
Answer: Your breath!
Riddle: Why does the teacher wear sunglasses when she comes to the class?
Answer: Because the students are bright.
Riddle: Why can you not trust Atoms?
Answer: Because they make up everything.
Riddle: What did one math book say to the other math book?
Answer: Do you want to hear my problems?
Riddle: When do astronauts eat their sandwiches?
Answer: At launch time.
Riddle: What food lives at the beach?
Answer: A sand-wich.
Riddle: What is a ghost's favorite dessert?
Answer: Ice Scream.
Riddle: Why didn't the Mummy have any friends?
Answer: He was too wrapped up in himself.
Riddle: Why didn't the monster eat the crazy person?
Answer: He was allergic to nuts.
Riddle: Why did they let the Turkey join the Thanksgiving band?
Answer: Because he had the drumsticks.
Riddle: When is music like vegetables?
Answer: When there are two beats (beets) to the measure.
Riddle: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
Answer: A gummy Bear.