Question: I can travel from there to here by disappearing,
and here to there by reappearing.
What am I?
Answer: The letter "T".
Question: A rooster sitiing on a roof with his eggs.Suddenly, the wind blew from the north. Where was the eggs?
Answer: Rooster don't lay eggs
Question: why do baseball players like the park?
Answer: because they enjoy the swings!
Question: A babysitter came over one day to babysit 10 children. She decided to give them a snack. In a jar there were 10 cookies. She wants to give each one a cookie, but still keep one in the jar. How will she do it? (WITHOUT BREAKING ANY COOKIES-EACH CHILD HAS TO GET A WHOLE!)
Answer: She hands the 10th child the jar with one cookie left in it.
Question: what has hands,but dosen't clap.
Answer: a clock.
Question: I sleep by day, I fly by night. I have no feathers to aid my flight.

What am I?
Answer: I am a Bat.
Question: Close to the words of life stay I,
But I wither, wane, and grow dry.
Answer: A Bible-pressed flower.
Question: How do you take 1 from 19 to equal 20, without using negatives????
Answer: roman numerals!!!!
Question: Two girls are sisters. They were born in the same year, in the same month, and on the same day, and yet they are not twins. How is that possible?
Answer: They have a brother as well. They are triplets.
Question: There were 8 cats in a boat. One cat jumped out of the boat, after the one cat jumped out of the boat, there 0 cats in the boat. How could that be?
Answer: Because the other 7 were copy cats