Question: John was very tired after a long day of work. He went to bed at 10 p.m., wound his alarm clock and set it for noon the next day. Since John fell asleep almost immediately, how many hours of sleep did he get before the alarm woke him?
Answer: Two hours. Wind-up clocks can't be set more than 12 hours in advance.
Question: What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it?
Answer: Silence.
Question: Three cars had driven into a parking lot at the same time, and the three drivers left them all for the
attendant to park. Unfortunately, he isn't too good at remembering exactly which driver drove which car.
However, he is sure of these 6 facts:

a. Colin drove the BMW if and only if Mr. Cooper drove the Avenger.
b. Alan drove the Cortina if and only if Mr. Cooper drove the BMW.
c. Colin is Mr. Brown if and only if Mr. Andrews drove the BMW.
d. Brian is Mr. Andrews if and only if Colin drove the BMW.
e. Mr. Cooper drove the Avenger if and only if Alan is Mr. Brown.
f. Colin is Mr. Brown if and only if Alan drove the Cortina.

Who arrived with which car?
Answer: Brian Brown drove the BMW, Alan Andrew's drove the Avenger,
and Colin Cooper drove the Cortina.
Question: I am a perching barrel, filled with meat,
Taking hits from leaps and dives.
Look inside, but do not eat,
The meat in there is still alive!
Answer: A thimble on a finger.
Question: An officer wishing to arrange his men in a solid square found by his first arrangement that he had 39 men left over. He then started increasing the number of men on a side by one, but found that 50 additional men would be needed to complete a new square. How many men did the officer have?
Answer: The officer had 1975 men. When he formed a square measuring 44 by 44, he had 39 men over. When he tried to form a square 45 x 45, he was 50 men short.
Question: Pronounced as one letter,
But look and you'll see,
That really I'm written with three.
I'm read from both ends,
The same either way.

What am I?
Answer: I am an eye, or an ewe.
Question: If the only frying pan in the house is large enough to cook two pancakes at a time and pancakes take one minute to brown one side, how can you make three pancakes in three minutes?
Answer: Pour two pancakes and brown the first side. After the first side is done, flip one, take the second off, and pour the third pancake. After another minute, take the first one off, flip the third one, and put the second one back on. Cook both pancakes until finished.
Question: A young man decides to buy a collector's baseball card. He pays $60 for it. After a month, the value of the card has increased to $70 and he decides to sell it. But already a few days later he regrets his decision to sell the collector's item, and he buys it again. Unfortunately he has to pay $80 to get it back, so he loses $10. After a year of owning the baseball card, he finally decides to sell it for $100. What is his overall profit?
Answer: $30.00. Overall profit, not net profit!
Question: A certain number has three digits. The sum of the three digits equals 36 times this number. Seven times the left digit plus 9 is equal to 5 times the sum of the two other digits. 8 times the second digit minus 9 is equal to the sum of the first and third. What is the number?
Answer: This one is fairly easy - 324 is the answer.
Question: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
Answer: A Penny.