Riddle: When you stare at me u see a you in reverse. What am I?
Answer: A mirror.
Riddle: I can be with you every day but I will leave you when you're gone. What am I?
Answer: Your soul because your soul will be in your body while your alive but it will leave your going when your dead.
Riddle: I start with an e and end with an e and with one letter in between. What am I.
Answer: An envelope. One letter inside
What Am I Riddles
Riddle: I share my name with a type of fuel, but I'm also a stylish brand. What am I?
Answer: Diesel.
Riddle: If I'm walking, then I must be running. However, if I'm running, I may be walking.  What am I?
Answer: A Treadmill.
What Am I Riddles
Riddle: A house with two occupants, sometimes one, rarely three. Break the walls, eat the borders, then throw away me. What am I?
Answer: A Peanut.
Riddle: Crunchy, soft, and milky sweet. Bueno, luvit, and Golden tree. You can't say no, that's a difficult feat. But take too much and you harm your teeth. What am I?
Answer: The riddle "Crunchy soft and milky sweet Bueno luvit and Golden tree" is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, click ANSWER and add your answer in the comments section.
What Am I Riddles
Riddle: I am a body part. I am same when spelled forward and backward. What am I?
Answer: Rotator.
Riddle: My dress is tranquil when I tread the earth, or dwell at home, or drift on the water. Sometimes my wings and this wide sky lift me over the dwellings of men, and then strong clouds carry me over the people. My ornaments echo loudly and melodiously, Illustriously sing when I am not near the earth and stream, a sailing spirit. What am I?
Answer: A swan.
Riddle: I'm red and I can be green or yellow, what am I?
Answer: An apple.
Riddle: I have no eyes, no legs or ears, and I help move the earth. What am I?
Answer: A worm.
Riddle: I am a food, I have only three letters in my name; Leave the first, I still sound the same. What am I?
Answer: Pea
Riddle: I'm done to boats, to cargo, to loads; When indoors I'm, in a way, a narrow road. What am I?
Answer: Haul / Hall
Riddle: I'm never boring, always new and attractive, there is no right or wrong. I guide you to find the meaning of life and give meaning to your life. What am I?
Answer: Knowledge.
Riddle: I am typically feared by both women and men. I often come for the old, but also for some young people who are very ill. Many will fight me in vain, and many others live in denial of me. Those who embrace me will lose their fear of me, but they will lose something of themselves in the process. What am I?
Answer: Baldness. (Note that 'death' doesn't fit the last clue. Those who embrace death lose ALL of themselves. Those who shave their head just lose something of themselves. Also, death ALWAYS comes for the old eventually, not just 'often'.)
Riddle: How you describe me is what I am. Poets might hate me, but sailors should love me. I can't give them the sea, but only something that sounds like it. What am I?
Answer: An orange. (Note: orange doesn't rhyme with anything, and it gives sailors vitamin C (a homophone of sea))
Riddle: I am served at a table, In gatherings of two or four. Served small, white and round. You'll love some, And that's part of the fun. What am I?
Answer: Ping-pong balls.
Riddle: I have a heart that doesn't beat, a mouth that doesn't speak, and a head that doesn't think. What am I?
Answer: An artichoke.
Riddle: I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, I help others to see. What am I?
Answer: Sand.
Riddle: I talk, but I do not speak my mind I hear words, but I do not listen to thoughts When I wake, all see me When I sleep, all hear me Many heads are on my shoulders Many hands are at my feet The strongest steel cannot break my visage But the softest whisper can destroy me The quietest whimper can be heard. What am I?
Answer: An Actor.