Riddle: What do you get when you toss a copper penny and a quarter into the blue sea?
Answer: Less money.
What do you get when you toss a copper penny and a quarter into the blue sea Riddle Meme.
What do you get when you toss a copper penny and a quarter into the blue sea Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: When you're driving a car, what is the one thing you are guaranteed to lose when turning?
Answer: You are guaranteed to lose speed.
Around the Bend Riddle Meme.
Around the Bend Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If a father frog goes, "Ribbit, ribbit." and a mother frog goes, "Erbit, erbit." how does a baby frog croak?
Answer: It doesn't. A baby frog is a tadpole.
Croak Riddle Meme.
Croak Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: When is 90 greater than 100?
Answer: On a microwave timer. When you type 100, the timer interprets it as 1 minute. When you type 90, it will read 90 seconds, which is 1 minute 30 seconds.
90>100 Riddle Meme.
90>100 Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One day, a King asked his advisers, "What should I do if someone touches my mustache ( mustaches are a sign of power)?" The first adviser said, "He should get his hair cut off and be hung." The second one said, "He should be stoned to death." The third, being the most clever of them all, said, "He should be given sweets." This shocked the advisers and the King. Why would the third adviser suggest such and idea?
Answer: Since mustaches are a sign of power, the only ones daring enough to touch someone's mustache, especially the King's, would be a child.
The Mustache Riddle Meme.
The Mustache Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If you see me, I see you. If you move, then I'll move too. When you touch me, I touch you. I do everything you do except for one thing. No matter how hard I try, I can never speak. What am I?
Answer: Your reflection in a mirror.
 If you see me, I see you. If you move, then I'll move too Riddle Meme.
If you see me, I see you. If you move, then I'll move too Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Joe is turning 17 this year, yet he turned 16 yesterday. How is this possible?
Answer: Joe's birthday is on December 31, the last day of the year. The current day was January 1st of the next year.
Joe's Birthday Riddle Riddle Meme.
Joe's Birthday Riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A woman is at her mother's funeral when suddenly she sees a man so handsome, she instantly falls in love with her. Unfortunately, she never got a chance to talk to the man. The next day, the woman kills her sister. What was the motive?
Answer: The woman was hoping to see the man again. If you got this correct on the first try, you have the mind of a psychopath.
Psychopath Test Riddle Meme.
Psychopath Test Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If it takes 5 microwaves 5 minutes to cook 5 chickens, how long does it take 100 microwaves to cook 100 chickens?
Answer: 5 minutes. We can assume that one chicken is placed in each microwave and that each chicken takes 5 minutes to cook.
Chicken Riddles Riddle Meme.
Chicken Riddles Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man was found dead next to a 13 story building. The police say it was a suicide, but you say it was a homicide (someone killed him). To prove this, you go to each floor on the building, open the window, and toss a penny out. You do this to each floor until you reach the 13th floor, open the window, and toss a penny out. How does this prove it wasn't a suicide?
Answer: If the man committed suicide, he would've left the window open and you wouldn't have had to open it.
A man was found dead next to a 13 story building Riddle Meme.
A man was found dead next to a 13 story building Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.