Riddle: A man is driving in his car, there are no headlights or streetlights for him to see the road. But somehow, he saw an old lady crossing the street and stopped for her. How is this possible if there are no lights?
Riddle: Pick a number from 1-10, multiply it by 2, add ten, divide it by 2, now subtract the number that you have from the number you picked. What is it?
Riddle: A girl walked into a bar and ordered some water. The bartender then threw a big hairy spider at her. A few minutes later, the girl thanked the man and walked out. Why?
Answer: The girl had the hiccups and the man scared them away by throwing the big hairy spider at her.
Riddle: A family went to their day house, dropped the kids off, and went to get groceries. When the parents returned, all of the kids were dead. The butler said he was dusting, the maid said she was making the beds, and the nanny said she was unpacking the suitcases. Who did it?
Answer: The maid because it was a day house and there are no beds.
Riddle: You walk into your house you see three doors you've never seen before. One vampire bats that will suck your blood. Two zombies that will eat your brain. Three a lion that hasn't eaten for over six months. Which one do you go through?
Answer: Three a lion that hasn't eaten for over 6 months because he would be dead.