Riddle: I have one, you have one. Take away a letter and a bit remains. If you remove the second, bit still remains. After much trying, you might be able to remove the first one also, but it remains. What's the word?
Answer: Habit! Remove the 'H', and it's 'a bit'. Remove the 'A', and it's 'bit'. Remove 'B', and it's 'it'.
Riddle: I am the creature that robs men of their dignity, pride, and will. I feast on children's dreams till' they have none. I am the monster in your head, waiting to strike. What am I?
Riddle: It has five wheels, though often think four, You cannot use it without that one more, You can put things in it, you can strap things on top, You can't find it in the market, but you can still go shopping. What is it?