Riddle: Which word does not belong with the others? niart, emag, tluda, mom, dad, mistag, yub, or sega
Answer: Mistag. It is the only one that backwards does not make sense. Train, game, adult, mom, dad, gatsim, buy, and ages.
Mom or dad? Riddle Meme.
Mom or dad? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Tomorrow Is Neither Wednesday Nor Thursday. Yesterday Was Not Friday Or Saturday. Today Is Not Thursday Nor Monday Nor Sunday. What Day Is Today?
Answer: Friday.
What Day Is Today? Riddle Meme.
What Day Is Today? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Donald Trump Is One Foot Tall. How So?
Answer: Because He Is A Ruler, And Ruler Is One Foot Tall.
How So? Riddle Meme.
How So? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Which Ant Is The Biggest Ant?
Answer: Eleph-ant.
Biggest Ant Riddle Meme.
Biggest Ant Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What Is In Front Of A Woman, And The Back Of Cow?
Answer: The Letter W.
What Is In Front Of A Woman, And The Back Of Cow Riddle Meme.
What Is In Front Of A Woman, And The Back Of Cow Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I have 10 books and I label them with their number. I take seven out to read. How many books are left?
Answer: 9! You have token the book with the label seven!
The Books Riddle Meme.
The Books Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What English six letter word has its last three letters as the past tense of its first three letters?
Answer: The SEE-SAW.
A Word 7 Riddle Meme.
A Word 7 Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I am a letter; I am made of four V's. One on the left, One on the right, one on top, and the other under. What letter am I?
Answer: I am Letter X.
A letter 1 Riddle Meme.
A letter 1 Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: To be in it is to not have it. What is it?
Answer: Sanity.
To be in it is to not have it. Riddle Meme.
To be in it is to not have it. Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I'm here until you say I'm not. What am I?
Answer: Silence.
It's here! Riddle Meme.
It's here! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.