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"Rooster" Riddles - First 10 of 12.

Riddle: If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch?
Answer: Roosters don't lay eggs.
Riddle: If a rooster laid 11 eggs and the farmer took 5 of them and another rooster laid 14 eggs and 5 of them were rotten. How many eggs were left?
Answer: 0, Roosters don't lay eggs.
Riddle: A Rooster laid an Egg. Which way did it roll?
Answer: It didn't. And since when do Roosters lay Eggs?
Riddle: There was a farmer who had a problem with his chicken coop, and he wanted to go check it out. When he got there he noticed that there was a rooster on top of the barn. Now the barn was shaped with a triangle-type top. But suddenly the rooster laid an egg. Which side did it roll on?
Answer: It didn't because roosters don't lay eggs.
Riddle: My call, I pray, at dawn of day, Shall rest you from your slumber, With job all done, my song all sung, I'll sit on seat of lumber. What am I?
Answer: A Rooster.
Riddle: If a rooster lays an egg on the ridge of a roof, which side will the egg fall?
Answer: Rooster’s don’t lay eggs. Hen’s do.
Riddle: What would you get if you crossed a giraffe with a rooster?
Answer: You'd get an animal that wakes people who live on the top floor.
Riddle: Imagine that you have three eggs. Now, I give you four eggs. And your rooster lays two more eggs. How many eggs do you have now?
Answer: You have four eggs–the ones I gave you. Those three eggs from the start don't count because they're imaginary (IMAGINE that you have three eggs). And those two eggs your rooster lays don't count either because roosters don't lay eggs.
Riddle: Simon and Bryce are two farmers. They want to see which of their chickens will lay more eggs in a month. Simon has four roosters; he claims that they can each lay 3 eggs in a day. Bryce has three hens; he claims that they can each lay 2 eggs in a day. The contest the two farmers propose happens in June. By the end of the month, which farmer will have the most eggs?
Answer: Bryce will have more eggs than Simon, simply because Simon is lying. Roosters don't lay eggs, so Simon will not have any eggs by the end of June.
Riddle: He's a boastful, puffed-up fellow, wearing spurs; eyes gleaming yellow. As he proudly struts about, he's in charge, there is no doubt. What is he?
Answer: He is a Rooster.

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