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What's 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat?
Answer: Chicago. The first three words out of seven of chicken are CHI, the first two words out of 3 of cat are CA, and the first two words out of goat are GO. Therefore making, (CHI)(CA)(GO).
A kid forgot to do his homework. For the home work, he had to draw a goat on grass. When he was in class the teacher found out that he didn't finish it. The boy was smart. He said that he did and he proved it to the teacher. Then the teacher agreed and said that he finished it in an unexpected way. What did the boy say to the teacher?
Answer: He said: I finished it. You see, there is a goat. Goats eat grass so the goat in my picture ate the grass. Now the grass is gone. But since there is no more grass left, the goat went somewhere else to find more grass to eat. That’s why the homework is blank.
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