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A history teacher was speaking to his 10th-grade class one day when he presented them with this unusual riddle: “Mark Twain and Santa Claus were both familiar with me. Each one of us has an icy body and two tails, but we are not associated with Sonic the Hedgehog. We are never outguessed, but we are often outgassed. Many people today put me to work in their homes, but I never receive any payment for my service, despite the fact I was born in America. Lastly, I am considered to be the big sister of a famous falcon, but my life span was short --from1960 to 1977.” “Teacher,” said the brightest student in the class,” are you trying to confuse us by talking about five different things that have the same name?” “Maybe I am,” said the teacher. “Maybe I am.”What was the solution to his bizarre-sounding riddle?
Answer: The teacher was referring to Halley’s Comet; one of Santa’s reindeer (Comet); a comet in outer space; the scouring powder known as Comet; and the car that came after the Ford Falcon known as the Mercury Comet.
I am named for my fleeting motion. Numbered zero and four score more. A barren desert and a heavy ocean. One is flowing, the other a solid core. Who are we?
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