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There's a bomb on the top of a computer. Around the computer are a hairbrush, keys, a phone, and a cup. When the bomb comes, what item is destroyed first?
There is a boat on a lake with a ladder with ten steps on it and each step is separated by a foot. Today, 3 steps of the ladder are under water before a storm passes by. After the storm, the water level raises by 5 feet, how many steps are under water now?
Answer: There is still 3 steps under water because the boat floats on water.
Every country has one, though we are not the same. Waving to our citizens, throughout the wind and rain. What is it?
Answer: "A Flag" - Reasoning: Every country has a flag, to represent it, and as such no 2 countries flags are alike. As they tend to be flown up on flag poles, they wave in the wind.
What can be underwater, under fire, on fire and taking water all at the same time?
Answer: Submarine. Underwater meaning in water. Under fire meaning getting shot at. On fire meaning burning. Taking water meaning water is flooding into or through something.
A crime was caused in a circle house. The maids were sweeping the corners, the waiters were preparing the food, and the guests were getting ready for the ball. Who caused the crime?
Answer: The maids. There are no corners in a circle house!