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"74" Riddles - Next 10 of 273.

Riddle: There's a bomb on the top of a computer. Around the computer are a hairbrush, keys, a phone, and a cup. When the bomb comes, what item is destroyed first?
Answer: The bomb.
Riddle: There is a boat on a lake with a ladder with ten steps on it and each step is separated by a foot. Today, 3 steps of the ladder are under water before a storm passes by. After the storm, the water level raises by 5 feet, how many steps are under water now?
Answer: There is still 3 steps under water because the boat floats on water.
Riddle: I am next to nothing, in a positive way. I am at the beginning of the first century. What am I?
Answer: The number 1.
Riddle: Every country has one, though we are not the same. Waving to our citizens, throughout the wind and rain. What is it?
Answer: "A Flag" - Reasoning: Every country has a flag, to represent it, and as such no 2 countries flags are alike. As they tend to be flown up on flag poles, they wave in the wind.
Riddle: What can be underwater, under fire, on fire and taking water all at the same time?
Answer: Submarine. Underwater meaning in water. Under fire meaning getting shot at. On fire meaning burning. Taking water meaning water is flooding into or through something.
Riddle: You use me daily, but if you arrive safely, I am never used. What am I?
Answer: Seat belt.
Riddle: What did the cell say to his sister who stood on his toe?
Answer: Mitosis! ( My - toe - sis)
Riddle: How can the number four be half of five?
Answer: FIVE. Take of the F and the E, so you have IV. That's four in Roman Numurals.
Riddle: Formed long ago, yet made today, Employed while others sleep. What none would freely give away. Nor any wish to keep. What is it?
Answer: A bed.
Riddle: A crime was caused in a circle house. The maids were sweeping the corners, the waiters were preparing the food, and the guests were getting ready for the ball. Who caused the crime?
Answer: The maids. There are no corners in a circle house!