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"Hat" Riddles - Next 10 of 3368.

Riddle: Marble walls as white as milk, lined with skin as soft as silk, in a fountain crystal clear, a golden apple will appear, there is no key to this stronghold, yet theives break in and steal the gold. What is it?
Answer: An egg.
Riddle: You can't see me, just as the person next to you can't see theirs. Of course the only way that you can see me, is through a mirror. What am I?
Answer: I'm your reflection.
Riddle: What word of five letters has only one left when two letters are removed?
Answer: Stone Remove 'St' and you're left with 'One'
Riddle: I like to twirl my body but keep my head up high, after I go in, everything becomes tight. What am I?
Answer: A screw.
Riddle: I can be short and sometimes hot. When displayed, I rarely impress. What am I?
Answer: I am your temper.
Riddle: It's the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh. What is it?
Answer: Lettuce.
Riddle: Lynn likes grapes but not potatoes. She likes squash but not lettuce, and she likes peas but not onions. Following the same rule, will she like pumpkins or apples?
Answer: Pumpkins. Lynn only likes things that grow on vines.
Riddle: Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
Answer: Fire!
Riddle: The cost of making only the maker knows, Valueless if bought, but sometimes traded. A poor man may give one as easily as a king. When one is broken pain and deceit are assured. What am I?
Answer: A Promise.
Riddle: This thing devours all things. All man, all beasts, all flowers and trees. Even the fiery sun, and the shadowy moon, will one day be devoured by this thing. Stone it grinds, metal it bites. And it shall make wood rot. Is it powerful? Well it is rather not, but it kills powerful things a lot. Its immortal yet it is not some type of god. What is it?
Answer: Time.