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"Wood" Riddles - Next 10 of 52.

Riddle: What starts with 'L', ends in 'S', and causes the utmost distress?
Answer: Loneliness.
Riddle: Which of the men is so prudent and wise as to say who drives me on my path, when I rise up strong, at times severe, powerfully prominent, sometimes vengeful, I travel throughout the land, burn houses. Smoke rises, grey over rooftops. The trees on earth shall be, the violent death of men, when I shake the woods, the flowering forests, fell tall trees, roofed with rain, by the highest powers, driven in my wandering, widely sent; I have on my back what once covered men, body, and soul, both in water. Say who covers me, or how I am called, that bears that burden. What am I?
Answer: A violent storm.
Riddle: Two teenagers, covered in tattoos and dressed in black leather jackets with chains around their necks, strutted into a local business. Each of the teens was carrying a long, tapered, hardwood stick. When they entered the room, they arrogantly announced in a loud voice, "We are here to beat everyone in this room, and no one can stop us!" Several of the patrons started to leave out the back door, fearing a confrontation was unavoidable. The two, true to their words, proceeded to beat everyone in the room with their sticks, despite being heavily outnumbered. Everyone who dared to stand up to them was beaten in turn, but no one called the police to stop the beatings, and the owner of the establishment thanked them for coming --- and even welcomed them back! Has society completely fallen to pieces, or is there some rational explanation for these events?
Answer: The two talented teens had gone to either a local youth center, or to a local pool hall, where they successfully challenged and defeated each of the willing patrons there in the game of pool.
Riddle: A small group of people are all standing around a two-foot tall, empty, wooden container. Two women approach the group carrying a silver container, which they place inside the wooden container. No one complains about the quarter-sized hole in the side of the wooden object. A Z-shaped piece of metal is then attached to both the silver and wooden containers, and one-at-a-time, the members of the small group take turns grasping the Z-shaped piece of metal and moving their hands in a circular motion. When one tires of this, another person takes over, and this is repeated numerous times. Finally, a heavy group member places his foot on top of the Z-shaped object, while a final group member performs a few last circular motions. After this, the top of the silver container is removed, and an object made of wood and metal is removed from it. Later, the contents of the silver container are consumed by those present. What has been going on here?
Answer: This group was making home made ice cream using an old fashioned hand-cranked ice cream freezer.
Riddle: You are walking in the woods and spot a cabin. You go inside and there are 2 dead bodies. How did they die?
Answer: It was the cabin of a plane that crashed.
Riddle: Half of me builds towers and cities, the other half is squirming in the dirt. When I am whole, I become angry and bitter. Who am I?
Answer: Wormwood.
Riddle: Runs over fields and woods all day Under the bed at night sits not alone, With long tongue hanging out, Awaiting for a bone. What am I?
Answer: A shoe.
Riddle: My first may be fashioned of iron or wood,  And at window or door for safety is placed;  In village or town, it does more harm than good, Leading people their health, time, and money to waste. My second's a lady, bewitching and fair, And for love of her people will labor and strive; Will rise before dawn, and be wearied with care, And pursue her with ardor as long as they live. My whole is what ladies admire and approve, The shopkeeper's boast-the purchaser's prize; 'Tis a ninepenny chintz-'tis a one-shilling glove- It is something which makes people open their eyes. What am I?
Answer: Bar-gain.
Riddle: A store has on sale a computer and word processor small enough to fit in your pocket. It can add, multiply, subtract, divide, and write in all languages. A delete device will correct any error. No electricity is required to operate it. The price? Only a few cents! How can the store make a profit by selling it so cheap?
Answer: The computer is a wooden pencil with an eraser!
Riddle: Many-manned scud-thumper, Maker of worn wood, Shrub-ruster, Sky-mocker, Rave! Portly pusher, Wind-slave. What am I?
Answer: The ocean!