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"Fire" Riddles - Next 10 of 73.

Riddle: "May Day! May Day! May Day! May Day!" shouted an angry wife to her cringing husband. "This is my official warning for you to remove that dead plant from this house before the stroke of midnight tonight!" "But it holds a lot of sweet memories from last year for me," responded her husband. His wife fired back with, "Today is the first of May, and you should have removed your precious plant from the premises months ago. Besides, it is both dead and brown and is now as sharp as a cactus, and to top it off, it has become a genuine fire hazard." Her husband sheepishly answered her by saying,” Well, I was hoping to set a Guinness world record for the family; but if I must dispose of it, the least you can do is help me remove all the shiny stuff from it first. What kind of a plant do you suppose this was which could create such a strange-sounding argument between this husband and wife?
Answer: The husband was having trouble parting with his beloved Christmas tree which was still standing in all of its tinseled glory in their living room, since it was erected in December of the previous year.
Riddle: What starts with an f and ends with a k but is needed in emergencies?
Answer: Firetruck!
Riddle: Fire is often maintained above me, and if you remove my first letter, you will find the home shared by everyone you have ever known. What am I?
Answer: A Hearth.
Riddle: What can be underwater, under fire, on fire and taking water all at the same time?
Answer: Submarine. Underwater meaning in water. Under fire meaning getting shot at. On fire meaning burning. Taking water meaning water is flooding into or through something.
Riddle: Why does a firefly glow?
Answer: It eats light meals.
Riddle: Brent was in a seven-story building when a massive fire started. The guy jumped out of the window, but didn't even bruise himself! How is it possible?
Answer: Brent was on the first floor, and jumped out of the first floor window. After all, even though it's a seven story building, I didn't say he was on the seventh floor!
Riddle: I am a thing that you can eat, drink, and use to start a fire. What am I?
Answer: Coconut.  You can eat the coconut meat, drink the coconut milk, and use the coconut husk to start a fire.
Riddle: Two houses are on fire. The first one belongs to Mr. Richards–a wealthy, elderly man. And the second one belongs to Mr. Lawrence–an art dealer who just started his business. Which house fire should the police officers extinguish first?
Answer: The police officers shouldn't extinguish either house fire because it's not part of their job! Police officers don't fight fires; that's what firefighters do!
Riddle: Three employees–A, B, and C–get called into the office. One of them is fired, another one is promoted, and the last one wants to resign at first, but changes his mind. You know that one, the employee who is fired is older than the rest and single, and two, Employee B is younger than the employee who stays, and he doesn't know C's wife. Who is fired?
Answer: C can't be fired because he's married (i.e. he has a wife). B can't be fired either because he's younger than the employee who stays (B can't be younger than A because nobody was fired and decided to stay at the same time, and he can't be younger than himself either, so B is the youngest). It means that A has been fired.
Riddle: A group of men are suddenly awakened by a loud, piercing, continuous sound. They all scramble out of their beds, get dressed, grab a pole, and disappear into a hole. What in the world are these men doing?
Answer: They are firemen who were sleeping in their fire station. When they heard the fire alarm, they quickly got dressed, slid down the fire pole, and got in the fire engine to head to the reported fire.