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"Wood" Riddles - Next 10 of 52.

Riddle: Every day, pilgrims make the journey to the temple of the wooden soldiers. Upon entering the temple, most of the pilgrims seek out a holey orb with which to do battle against soldiers who are dressed in red and white uniforms. Each orb is used to attack small groups of these passive soldiers — soldiers which have the unique ability to replicate themselves whenever their ranks are assaulted by the pilgrims. The mystic orbs, like boomerangs, have the uncanny ability to return to the hand of each pilgrim when cast at the soldiers during these skirmishes. What kind of a temple is this which promotes violence by allowing people to attack innocent soldiers?
Answer: Temples like this are known as Bowling Alleys.
Riddle: Once upon a time, John was walking in the woods to go fishing for some food but got lost. But he got across and old house and asked the owner, the owner invited John and they began to tell a story. The old man said "Once upon a time, two best friends were on a deserted island. There was no food at all, so they began to die of hunger. They agreed to fight until one of them died. The winner would eat the loser and thus will be saved. Besides, no one would ever know about that. They began to fight. And finally one of the best friends won." Meaning that the other was eaten and betrayed. Then, John pulled out a gun and killed the old man at once. Why would he do it?
Answer: The old man was the cannibal.
Riddle: Asher and Miles were shipwrecked. Miles was swept away by a strong current and woke up on an island. And Asher found a small wooden boat in the middle of the ocean. Both guys were thirsty and hungry. Who's going to survive for longer?
Answer: Miles will survive for longer because the water on the island might as well be drinkable. But Asher can't drink the ocean water because the amount of salt in it is too dangerous for people to consume safely.
Riddle: Why did the tree want to leave the woods?
Answer: Wanted to branch out.
Riddle: A man rode his horse to the top of a high hill. He tied his horse to a large birch tree, and removed a blanket, a flint and steel for making fire, and a small hatchet to cut down a bunch of green saplings. He then gathered a bunch of dried leaves and took them, along with the green saplings, to an open area near some smaller rocks. Using the flint and steel, he tried to start a fire with the leaves and green wood. As the fire struggled to burn, the man did something remarkable. He suddenly took his blanket and covered the fire with it. Apparently, regretting his actions, he removed the blanket from the smoldering fire; but then, a few seconds later, he placed the blanket back over the fire. Again and again he repeated his actions of throwing the blanket on and off the fire. Was this man an obsessive-compulsive pyromaniac, or was there some kind of method to his madness?
Answer: The man was a Native American Indian in the old West who was sending smoke signals to his tribe.
Riddle: What starts with 'B', ends in 'G', and ruins a person's self-esteem?
Answer: Bullying.
Riddle: A bizarre ritual occurs, often when the weather is hot, and it has been happening for over 100 years. Two men bring two cups to a place where a large plate is located. They do not drink anything from their cups and eat nothing from the plate. Soon, a third man joins the other two, and he brings with him his cup and a wooden object. Strangely, two of the three men wear masks, despite the fact all three of them know each other. Over the next two to three hours, only one of the men remains near the large plate, while various other men continue to take their cups and wooden objects to and from their meeting place with the other two men. Just what is this strange ritual?
Answer: The two masked men are the home plate umpire and the two catchers taking turns coming to the plate. One at a time, the hitters from both sides come to the plate to hit. All the players and the umpire always wear protective cups.
Riddle: Why is a man with wooden legs like one who has an even bargain?
Answer: Because he has nothing to boot.
Riddle: I can be opened but have no hinges. I am made of fragile material, but not wood, nor glass. What am I?
Answer: A Cardboard Box.
Riddle: A famous magician and his assistant were performing for a small crowd at a local mall. As part of their act, they both disappeared behind a small curtained area where they each picked up a wooden cross-shaped object. Suddenly, a small boy and girl appeared on stage in front of the audience. The magician waved his cross over the boy's head as he whispered, so only his assistant could hear him, "You are now hypnotized, and must do exactly as I tell you. I order you to strike the little girl on the top of her head." The little boy quickly complied, and the audience gasped. "I'm no hypnotist," whispered the assistant back to the magician, so only he could hear her, "but my intuition tells me the little girl is about to strike back." Sure enough, the girl kicked the little boy in the knee. The audience again gasped, as the magician simultaneously yelled, "Ouch!" At that point, the magician whispered to the assistant, "You win. Back to the script now." Was this some sick, twisted, abusive presentation, or was there some harmless explanation for these events? Just exactly what was going on here?
Answer: As part of their magic show, the magician and his assistant went behind a curtain, and each picked up a wooden cross-shaped controller, so they could manipulate their puppets for their puppet show which was part of their act. However, the magician got a bit mischievous, and used his puppet to bonk the assistant’s puppet on the head. The assistant wasn’t amused however, and not only retaliated with her girl puppet, but also kicked the magician in his knee at the same time. That was enough to make the magician return to the actual script of the puppet show.