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"Word" Riddles - Final 3 of 293

Riddle: Angry and Hungry are two words ending in 'gry" There are three words, (Using popular terminology) in the English Language, that ends in "GRY". The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is. What is the third word?
Answer: The answer is terminology. It's the third word ending in gry. Using popular terminology
Riddle: My first is high, My second damp, My whole a tie, A writer's cramp. What am I?
Answer: Hyphen. The first two lines yield high-fen. A hyphen is used by a writer to tie (or cramp) two words together.
Riddle: How can the number four be half of five?
Answer: It's true if you think of Roman numerals. FIVE, take away the F and the E and you are left with IV, half of the word FIVE, which is the Roman number for Four.