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"Fire" Riddles - Next 10 of 73.

Riddle: There are four brothers in this world that were all born together. The first runs and never wearies. The second eats and is never full. The third drinks and is always thirsty. The fourth sings a song that is never good. What are the four brothers?
Answer: Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind.
Riddle: I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I lick will soon turn red. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
Riddle: I can be half without getting thinner. I can shine with no fire. I can be hidden but never taken. I can stay dry while moving the ocean. What am I?
Answer: The Moon.
Riddle: You are trapped in a hallway and there are three rooms to help you get out. One toom is filled with water all the way to the top, another room is on fire, and the last room has a bunch of lions which haven't eaten in 1 month. Which room do you choose?
Answer: The one with the lions because they haven't eaten in 1 month.
Riddle: Crimson I am born, yellow I dance, ebony I die. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
Riddle: I can be old or new, big or small, thick or thin. I contain information about all that is present in the entire world. I contain links to countless minds, worlds, adventures, universes, mysteries, and even mystical things. I am a place where things are out of the world and where imaginations are realities. People fill me with their thoughts, opinions, and life stories. Most children tend to think I'm boring, but there are only a few truly talented, out-of-this-world, beautiful minds who wait for me enthusiastically and when done with me, wait for my descendants. What am I?
Answer: Books! Come on, who doesn't love to curl up with a good book beside the fireplace?!
Riddle: I truly am cause for alarm. When you see me you can lose your house or your life. When you hear me you can also lose your job. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
Riddle: One morning a man is leaving on a business trip and finds he left some paperwork at his office. He runs into his office to get it and the night watchman stops him and says, "Sir, don't get on the plane. I had a dream last night that the plane would crash and everyone would die!" The man takes his word and cancels his trip. Sure enough, the plane crashes and everyone dies. The next morning the man gives the watchman a $1,000 reward for saving his life and then fires him. Why did he fire the watchman that saved his life?
Answer: He was fired for sleeping on the job!
Riddle: I have a butt, but I'm not alive. I bring smoke, but am not fire. I destroy, I kill, though I am not used in a war. What am I?
Answer: A cigarette.
Riddle: Despised I am by knave and liar. After me, the wise inquire, I rise above all death and fire. What am I?
Answer: The Truth.