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"Word" Riddles - Next 10 of 293.

Riddle: What have these words in common? ASPIRATED GRANGERS PRELATES SWINGERS CHASTENS
Answer: All can be diminished by one letter (from begining and end alternately) forming a new word each time.
Riddle: What word is spelled the same way front and backward?
Answer: Racecar is racecar backwards.
Riddle: What word starting with BR, that with the addition of the letter E, becomes another word that sounds the same as the first?
Answer: Braking becomes Breaking.
Riddle: I'm a word that's hardly there. Take away my start, and I'm an herbal flair. What am I?
Answer: Sparsely (No S = Parsley).
Riddle: If you like pretty gems that sparkle and shine, I invite you to dig in my virtual mine. My first is purple, fit for a king, My second is green where Dorothy did her thing. My third is red, July's birthstone as well, My fourth is seen in strings and is found inside a shell. My fifth is hard, pure Carbon, and expensive to buy, My sixth is Crocidolite, striped like the big cat's eye. Seventh is two words, a man-made fake of April's stone, Eighth is very dark and found at Lightning Ridge alone. Now take from each gem, one letter in its turn, And you will find the stuff for which even the gods yearn. What am I?
Answer: Answer: Ambrosia The gems are: Amethyst Emerald ( Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz ) Ruby Pearl Diamond Tiger's eye Cubic Zirconium (Fake diamond) Black Opal Taking the first letter of Amethyst, second of Emerald, etc.. gives Ambrosia - The food of the gods.
Riddle: What three letters change a girl into a woman?
Answer: Replace the letters G, I, and R with the three letters A, D, and Y.  The word "lady" is another word for woman. Other possible answers: AGE, MRS, MOM...
Riddle: Rearrange all the letters in each of the sentences to form, in each case, a well-known proverb. 1. I don't admit women are faint. 2. It rocks. The broad flag of the free. 3. Strong lion's share almost gone. What are the proverbs?
Answer: 1. Time and tide wait for no man. 2. Birds of a feather flock together. 3. A rolling sone gathers no moss.
Riddle: A headless man had a letter to write; It was read by a man who had lost his sight. The dumb repeated it word for word, And deaf was he who listened and heard. What is it?
Answer: The letter in question is the letter "O". It is zero. The man had nothing to write. The blind could read nothing. The person who was dumb could repeat nothing. The deaf man listened and heard nothing.
Riddle: A traveler came to the river side, with a donkey bearing an obelisk. But he did not venture to ford the tide, for he had too good an *. What is the missing word?
Answer: Asterisk = "Ass to Risk".
Riddle: The word FACETIOUSLY contains the six vowels, A-E-I-O-U and Y, in their alphabetical order. Can you find another English word that does the same?
Answer: The word is abstemiously. There may be others.