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"Word" Riddles - Next 10 of 293.

Riddle: A single word which is versatile, it can be a letter, unknown to the problem, a variable, a target, a love, an intercept, and a type of chromosome. What am I?
Answer: X.
Riddle: I harm the Chat. What is the anagrammed word?
Answer: Hiram Hatchet.
Riddle: Endlessly, I hunger, Lazily, I sleep. Murderous, I thunder, Desires, I do seek. Hoarding countless treasures, so my stature I retain, Envious of others whose feet on Earth remain. What am I?
Answer: "The Seven Deadly Sins" - Reasoning: Each sentence structure portrays one of the seven deadly sins from Christian theology, with the exception of the final 5 words. In order according to the riddle, these are; gluttony, sloth, wrath, lust, greed, pride and envy. The final 5 words, "whose feet on Earth remain", act in conjunction with the section on envy, demonstrating the perspective of a sinner in hell, who is envious of those still alive, and thus can still repent for their sins in order to enter Heaven.
Riddle: What color in the English language doesn't rhyme with any other English words?
Answer: Orange!
Riddle: Tom can pet lions. What is the anagrammed word?
Answer: Contemplation.
Riddle: Hen, I am he. What is the anagrammed word?
Answer: Nehemiah.
Riddle: What two, rhyming words, can be used to describe a riddle about drinking a liquid really fast?
Answer: Guzzle puzzle.
Riddle: Which of the following words doesn't belong to this set? Why? Brush, Taste, Shampoo, Stench, Flush, Wash and Seat.
Answer: Stench. You can brush, taste, shampoo, flush, wash and seat people, but you can’t stench.
Riddle: Cat, horse, monkey; Hat, sombrero, cappello; Sheep, wool, haggis; Dairy, blueberry, cherry; Television, computer, phone; Which set of words doesn't belong?
Answer: Dairy, blueberry, cherry; All sets of words have a common theme, but this set of words is the only one that rhymes.
Riddle: A great man once said, "a life changing 7 letter word should always come after a 6 letter word"... The 7 letter word is success. Guess the word before it.
Answer: The riddle "What comes before success " is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, click ANSWER and add your answer in the comments section.