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"Sister" Riddles - Next 10 of 43.

Riddle: You give someone a dollar. You are this person's brother, but the person is not your brother. How can that be?
Answer: It's your sister!
Riddle: You are my brother, but I am not your brother. Who am I?
Answer: I am your sister.
Riddle: Once upon a time there was a happy family in a dome-shaped house the family consisted of a mother, a father, a chef, a maid, a brother, a sister, and a little kitty named Bubbles. The mother and father went out one night and remembered to lock the doors. When they came home the cat had sadly passed. They questioned everyone. The boy said he was playing video games with the girl, the girl also said they were playing video games. The maid said she was dusting the corners in the house and the chef said he was sharpening the knife to cut the freshly baked apple pie. Who killed bubbles?
Answer: The maid! There are no corners in a dome shaped house. Mew!
Riddle: All 5 sisters are busy. Ann is reading, Rose is cooking, Katie is playing chess and Mary is doing laundry. What is the fifth sister doing?
Answer: She is playing chess with Katie.
Riddle: In a house, there lives a family of 4. There is a father, a mother, an older sister, and a younger sister. One day, the father catches a disease. A week later, Death comes to take the father's soul. The mother begs for 5 more years with her husband, and Death agrees. 5 years later, Death comes back. The older sister begs for 3 more years with her father, and Death agrees. 3 years later, Death comes back. The father, mother, and older sister turn to the younger sister for help, and she is holding a candle with a flame on the end of the wick. The younger sister says, "I have a deal to make, Death. My father will live until this candle burns out." And Death agrees. However, Death never returns. Why not?
Answer: The younger sister blew out the candle, so it didn't technically burn out. Then she threw away the candle so the family wouldn't mistakenly light it.
Riddle: Does the Christian religion allow a man to marry his widow's sister?
Answer: A dead man cannot marry. His widow would mean he is dead.
Riddle: When I was 2, my sister was twice my age, and now am 18. How old is my sister?
Answer: 20.
Riddle: Four people are sitting around a campfire after a long day of recreation when one man comments: "Do you realize that around this campfire, the four of us include a mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle and a couple of cousins"?. If everyone is related by blood (with no unusual marriages) how is this possible?
Answer: The campfire circle includes a woman and her brother. The woman's daughter and the man's son are also present.
Riddle: If May's daughter's daughter is my granddaughter's mother's mother's brother's sister, then what am I to May? (May only has one sibling)
Answer: I am May.
Riddle: A man and his wife were slowly driving along when their teenage son, who had just recently received his driver's license, suddenly drove his car up behind them and started to repeatedly smash into the back of their car, while his sister, who was in the car with him, loudly cheered and egged on her brother. Witnesses to the event appeared unaffected by the incident, and in fact some were even observed smiling. The police were never called. What was going on with this family, and why did no one call the police?
Answer: The man and his wife had taken their two children to an amusement park. The parents were in one bumper car, and their two children were in another bumper car.