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"129" Riddles - Next 10 of 28.

Riddle: Between 3:55 and 4:05 store lurking I maintained I was shopping and searching for a time telling device I’d bought, My alibi was that I was shopping for WHAT and WHEN?
Answer: I was shopping around for a clock and I was shopping around 4 O’clock
Riddle: What’s the difference between U and I?
Answer: Eleven letters.
Riddle: I have many keys, but I can't open a single lock! What am I?
Answer: A keyboard.
Riddle: What’s long hard and has cum in the middle?
Answer: Cu-cum-ber.
Riddle: This poor man refused to eat, and was extremely sad ever since, cause of death? Think: Starvation, or depression... he felt nothing inside. So what was the cause of death?
Answer: Emptiness.
Riddle: 1,3,5,2,61,832,236,94,0129,74,13 What comes Next?
Answer: A Coma.
Riddle: What do you call a marine with an IQ of 70.
Answer: General.
Riddle: I was developed during the Manhattan Project. I was conceived by Einstein, and built by a team led by Robert Oppenheimer, in Los Alamos, New Mexico. I was built in 1942. The U.S. was the first to develop me, with the help of German, Italian, and American scientists. I work by converting mass to energy, by splitting Uranium with Neutrons, which creates fission. This creates an explosion. My explosion is the release of nuclear energy. There are four parts to my explosion 1) the blast wave, 2) the thermal radiation, 3) initial nuclear radiation, and 4) residual nuclear radiation. As a single explosion, I destroyed more lives and property and injured more people, than any other explosion during all of World War II. What am I?
Answer: I Am The Atomic Bomb.
Riddle: I bought your aquarium for freshwater fish, I'm so glad but only one kind so far to surface, So, for now, I'll say thank you for the... what?
Answer: Purchase (perches).
Riddle: A man wants to watch some TV, but the TV won't turn on with the remote. There's no power button on the TV, so he can't turn it on with the monitor. But 5 minutes later, he's happily watching TV. What happened and what did he do?
Answer: The TV was unplugged, so he plugged it back in.