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Answer: The Answer to "When Is 99 More Than 100" Riddle is that generally when you run a microwave for '99' it runs for 1 minute and 39 seconds. '100' runs for 1 minute
We have three children A , B , C Child A says: " I ate sweets more than B , and B ate sweets more than C " Child B says: " C ate sweets more than me , also C ate sweets more than A " Child C says: " B ate sweets more than me , also I and A ate sweets equal amount " Suppose between the two children who ate less sweets say more right. Which of the following sentences can not be correct? 1- C ate sweets more than A and B. 2- B ate sweets more than A and C. 3- A ate sweets more than B . 4- B ate sweets more than A. 5- B ate sweets more than C. 6- C ate sweets more than B. 7- C ate sweets more than A. 8- A ate sweets more than C. 9- All children ate sweets equal amount .
Answer: The riddle "The riddles about three children" is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, click ANSWER and add your answer in the comments section.
I'm something you're reading, I'm something you're solving if you don't know the answer then there's something wrong with you! It's a very easy riddle and I just said the answer in this riddle! What am I?