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"74" Riddles - Next 10 of 273.

Riddle: When is 99 more than 100?
Answer: The Answer to "When Is 99 More Than 100" Riddle is that generally when you run a microwave for '99' it runs for 1 minute and 39 seconds. '100' runs for 1 minute
Riddle: What is everywhere but knowhere and is in all of space but you can not know?
Answer: Nothing.
Riddle: We have three children A , B , C Child A says: " I ate sweets more than B , and B ate sweets more than C " Child B says: " C ate sweets more than me , also C ate sweets more than A " Child C says: " B ate sweets more than me , also I and A ate sweets equal amount " Suppose between the two children who ate less sweets say more right. Which of the following sentences can not be correct? 1- C ate sweets more than A and B. 2- B ate sweets more than A and C. 3- A ate sweets more than B . 4- B ate sweets more than A. 5- B ate sweets more than C. 6- C ate sweets more than B. 7- C ate sweets more than A. 8- A ate sweets more than C. 9- All children ate sweets equal amount .
Answer: The riddle "The riddles about three children" is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, click ANSWER and add your answer in the comments section.
Riddle: I'm something you're reading, I'm something you're solving if you don't know the answer then there's something wrong with you! It's a very easy riddle and I just said the answer in this riddle! What am I?
Answer: The Riddle.
Riddle: Where do red grasses grow? imagine.
Answer: In your imagination.
Riddle: Which metal do we look into before going out and after bathing?
Answer: Silver (Mirror).
Riddle: Which month is the most suitable for content creators on Instagram?
Answer: Ap-Reel.
Riddle: There was a plane crash, every single person died in the crash. Who survived?
Answer: Every SINGLE person died. Not the couples.
Riddle: What has 4 wheels and flies?
Answer: A garbage truck! lol!
Riddle: What is a bee's favorite article of clothing?
Answer: A beanie!