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"Hat" Riddles - Next 10 of 3368.

Riddle: Dorothy is not a violent person, yet she carries a hard, round object in her purse which she occasionally throws at people. She thinks others find her actions amusing, and they do for the most part; but many people flinch when she does throw the object directly toward them. The danger is minimal however, as the object returns to her, most of the time, and she never throws the object with the intention of harming anyone. Dorothy considers herself to be an entertainer of sorts, using the round object and some string to amuse anyone willing to watch her. She uses the object to perform some amazing, gravity-defying stunts. Dorothy says she got the idea for this attention-grabbing activity while working part time as a dog walker. Is Dorothy a menace to society who should be reported to the authorities, or is she just providing a little innocent fun for those who watch her? Just what is the hard, round object Dorothy carries in her purse?
Answer: Dorothy carries a yo-yo in her purse, and puts on a dazzling display of various tricks for onlookers. She even performs classic yo-yo moves such as the famous walk-the-dog maneuver.
Riddle: I am both a killer and a savior, it depends on those who wield me. I will bring you from deep water to the shallows, or maybe I could be the one who will hang you in the gallows. What am I?
Answer: A rope.
Riddle: Out of a man's mouth it comes forth, lightening hearts and inspiring souls to be steadfast. Tales of old it tells, of warriors and kings, of castles and dungeons. It tells of sunshine and hills, flowers and grass. Of food and drink it encourages you to press on, of fantasies it gives you rest and delight. It carries on through ages and never an ending does it find. What is it?
Answer: A song.
Riddle: What has all the letters of the alphabet but not in the correct order?
Answer: A keyboard!
Riddle: I bring death with a mighty blow. I can ruin nations with a mighty hole. Many people may die. Many people will cry. A battle is won at least. In the end I can bring peace. What am I?
Answer: War.
Riddle: What do bees use to style their hair?
Answer: Honeycombs
Riddle: What do you give a sick pig?
Answer: An "oinkment"
Riddle: There was a farmer who had a problem with his chicken coop, and he wanted to go check it out. When he got there he noticed that there was a rooster on top of the barn. Now the barn was shaped with a triangle-type top. But suddenly the rooster laid an egg. Which side did it roll on?
Answer: It didn't because roosters don't lay eggs.
Riddle: All have tried to catch me, none have kept me! What am I?
Answer: Satisfaction.
Riddle: Two chemists walk into a bar. One of them orders h20. The other one wants h2o too. What happens to the other one?
Answer: He dies because he drank hydrogen peroxide.