Riddle: I can kill and heal you without touching you. What am I?
Answer: Time.
Riddle: What has fifteen diamonds but isn’t rich?
Answer: A deck of cards.
Riddle: What can bring tears to your eyes, make you move faster, make you move slower and knock you over?
Answer: The wind.
Riddle: I stick so strongly, yet I am not sticky in the slightest. What am I?
Answer: A magnet.
Riddle: You take 6 cubes of ice from the freezer. Remove 2 and add 1. You wait half an hour and put them back in the freezer. How many ice cubes are left?
Answer: 1, because you have 1 ice cube as they will have melted and refrozen as 1
Riddle: What is at the head of a llama and at the tail of a seagull?
Answer: Double L.
Riddle: What has one eye but cannot see?
Answer: A needle.
Riddle: As I was walking across the London Bridge, I met a man who drew his hat and drew his cane, and in this riddle, I said his name. What is it?
Answer: His name is Andrew.
Riddle: No matter how fast you are, you can never be faster than me. I follow you everywhere you go. What am I?
Answer: Shadow.
Riddle: Two people were playing chess they both won how is this possible?
Answer: They were both playing different games!