Riddle: What is a deer's favorite kind of tree?
Answer: A El-deer tree!
Riddle: Of everybody, you could ask to join you for Thanksgiving dinner, who would always say no?
Answer: The turkey!
Riddle: Why did all the pecans go to space?
Answer: They were Astro-nuts!
Riddle: I am in a Tiny word. If you remove me I become metal. What am I?
Answer: The letter Y. Remove the letter "y" from the word "tiny" and you get the word "tin" which is made from metal.
Riddle: I bring life and prosperity to those in my reach, but I also damage and take what I preach. What am I?
Answer: The sun (damages sight but also gives it by providing light).
Riddle: Many people search for me but very few find me in my truest form, the ones that do live a full life. What am I?
Answer: Happiness.
Riddle: What is the plastic surgeon's favorite holiday?
Answer: New Ears!
Riddle: What happened when the glue bottle tried to solve a riddle?
Answer: He got stuck!
Riddle: What's the best kind of fruit to sit on?
Answer: A Chair-y! The answer is a play on words with the word cherry.
Riddle: What do a baby chick and a greedy person have in common?
Answer: They both cheep cheap!