What happens to a small stone that works up its courage?
Answer: It becomes a little boulder.
During what month do people sleep the least?
Answer: February. Because it's the shortest month of the year.
You are in a cold room and you want to get warm. How do you get warm?
Answer: Go into the corner. It's always 90 degrees.
I can run constantly without ever getting tired. When I run, I frustrate people and drive them crazy, Yet I don't even have to move to irritate you.
What am I?
Answer: I am a runny nose.
What has legs but cannot walk?
Answer: A chair.
Why did the moon skip diner?
Answer: Because it was full.
What's the difference between a Teacher and a Train?
Answer: The Teacher says "Spit out your gum!" And the train says "Chew, Chew, Chew!"
What has no beginning, no end, and nothing in the middle?
Answer: A doughnut (also a donut) or an ellipse like a circle and oval.
What do you call a sleeping cow?
Answer: A bull-dozer.
What happened when the rubber duckie fell into the bathtub?
Answer: It quacked up.
What did the robots tombstone say?
Answer: "Rust in Peace."
How does the Best Man put his kids to bed?
Answer: He tux them in.
Why were 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 sad about Prom?
Answer: They had no one (1) to go with.
A mother had five boys Marco, Tucker, Webster, and Thomas. Was the fifth boy named Frank, Evan, or Alex?
Answer: The answer is Frank. The mother named the kids with the first two letters of the days of the week.Monday is Marco, Tuesday is Tucker, Wednesday is Webster, Thursday is Thomas and Friday is Frank.
Why are the nose and feet confusing body parts?
Answer: Because the Nose runs and the feet smell!
What familiar word starts with IS, ends with AND, and has LA in the middle?
Answer: ISLAND.
Where do rivers sleep?
Answer: In river beds.
Tear off one and scratch its head, what was red is now black instead. What is It?
Answer: A Matchstick!
Why was the geologist's wife unhappy?
Answer: She felt like he took her for granite.
Remove my forth letter and the first three letters will spell a school subject. My last five letters spell something that happens when swallowing a carrot whole. My whole spells a vegetable. What am I?
Answer: An artichoke.