Riddle: Why can't you trust the law of gravity?
Answer: Because it will always let you down.
Riddle: What word doesn't belong in this group? That, hat, what, mat, cat, sat, pat, or chat?
Answer: What. It's pronounced differently; all of the others rhyme.
Riddle: What kind of cheese is made backwards?
Answer: EDAM cheese. ( 'made' backwards is edam )
Riddles For Kids
Riddle: Imagine you are in a box. It's airtight sealed, you have nothing with you. How do you get out?
Answer: Stop imagining!
Riddle: What 7 letter word becomes longer when the third letter is removed?
Answer: Lounger.
Riddles For Kids
Riddle: What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
Answer: A palm tree.
Riddle: I sleep by day, I fly by night. I have no feathers to aid my flight. What am I?
Answer: I am a Bat.
Riddles For Kids
Riddle: What can be measured, but has no length, width, or height?
Answer: The Temperature.
Riddle: Where do all unwanted shoes go?
Answer: Boot camp.
Riddle: What three whole, positive numbers have the same answer when multiplied together as when added together?
Answer: 1, 2 and 3.  1 x 2 x 3 = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
Riddle: What tops off a ghost's ice-scream sundae?
Answer: Whipped Scream.
Riddle: What gets whiter the dirtier that it gets?
Answer: A chalkboard.
Riddle: Which does not belong in this group: Apple, Grape, Banana, Cherry, Pear?
Answer: The Banana. It's the only one that needs peeling before eating.
Riddle: What would you get if 120 rabbits took one step backward at the same time?
Answer: A receding hair line.
Riddle: Say "silk" five times. Now, spell "silk." What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," Your brain is obviously over-stressed and may even overheat. It may be that you need to content yourself with reading something more appropriate such as "Children's World." Just Kidding.
Riddle: How far can a man hike into the woods?
Answer: Halfway. Then after that, he would be walking out of the woods.
Riddle: There is a frog, dead in the middle of an island. If he swims north, the distance to the mainland is 2 meters. If he swims south, the distance to the mainland is 3 meters. If he swims east or west, the distance is 4 meters. Which way does he swim?
Answer: He doesn't swim at all, he is dead.
Riddle: Where do penguins keep their money?
Answer: In a snow bank!
Riddle: A student asked his teacher, "Miss, is it fair if I get in trouble for something I did not do?" The teacher replied, "Of course not! Tell me who got you in trouble for something you didn't do?" What do you think the student replied with?
Answer: "Miss, I forgot to do my Homework again!"
Riddle: What do liars do after death?
Answer: Lie still.