Riddle: A man rides into town on Friday. He stays two nights. How does he leave on Tuesday?
Answer: His horse was called Friday.
Riddle: How many gold coins can a leprechaun throw in an empty pot?
Answer: One. After that, it’s no longer empty.
Riddle: Riddle me this. Riddle me that.  It's over your head,  yet under your hat. What is it?
Answer: Your hair.
Riddles For Kids
Riddle: Why can't you play hide-n-seek with chicklets?
Answer: They're always peeping.
Riddle: How can we tell that Saturn was married more than once?
Answer: Because she has so many rings!
Riddles For Kids
Riddle: Tom's mom had four kids: Nickel, Dime, Quarter, and?
Answer: Tom!
Riddle: Imagine you are in the days of the dinosaurs, and one is chasing after you, about to eat you... What do you do?
Answer: Easy, Stop imagining!
Riddles For Kids
Riddle: What's the coolest letter in the alphabet?
Answer: The letter B. It's surrounded by AC.
Riddle: What flowers can be found between the nose and the chin?
Answer: Tulips – get it? “Two lips.”
Riddle: What did the dollar say to the four quarters?
Answer: You've changed!
Riddle: What makes a pair of shoes?
Answer: Two shoes.
Riddle: Why did the outlaw hold up the bakery?
Answer: He kneaded the dough.
Riddle: What do ghosts like to do on a Saturday night?
Answer: BOOGIE.
Riddle: I am always hungry, I must always be fed, The finger I touch will soon turn red. What am I?
Answer: I am fire.
Riddle: What has 4 eyes but cannot see?
Answer: Mississippi.
Riddle: What shoes do frogs wear in the summer?
Answer: Open toad shoes.
Riddle: Why are giraffes so slow to apologize?
Answer: It takes a long time for them to swallow their pride.
Riddle: What do you call a tree-chopper who sleeps on the job?
Answer: A slumber-jack
Riddle: What goes up and never comes down?
Answer: Your Age.
Riddle: I have four legs and one back, yet I can't walk What am I?
Answer: It is a chair.