Riddle: I am a being with many faces. My first is peaceful and calm, but can kill you. My second is strong enough to smash ships but still fears the sun. My third flies when it's born and runs when it's dead. My fourth goes away and never returns. What am I?
Riddle: I am a puzzle with a wordy facade. There's always an answer, even if it seems odd. Only the clever can understand my code. If you don't answer, then you'll never know. What am I?
Riddle: I am both a killer and a savior, it depends on those who wield me. I will bring you from deep water to the shallows, or maybe I could be the one who will hang you in the gallows. What am I?
Answer: A rope.
Killer and a Savior Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I was a stage critic in the days of old. Some thought I was poisonous, others knew better. I'm often thought to be something I'm not, and I'm usually round and never bitter. What am I?
Answer: A tomato.
A Round Stage Critic Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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