Riddle: You are alone in a blizzard and you need to write something down. You have no pen or paper, no supplies or tools, just your clothes and the empty land of snow. How do you write down what you need to know?
Answer The riddle "Stranded in the snow" is unanswered.
Stranded in the snow Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Penny's aunt asked Pennys mom how she was related to them. Penny's grandmother is not Penny's mom or penny's aunts mom. Cousin Charlotte is Penny's aunts daughter. Penny and Charlotte are cousins. But how does that make Penny related to Charlotte's mom?
Answer: Penny's aunt is her dad's sister.
How am I related to you? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are seventeen all black cows, ten tan cows, and thirty seven black and white cows at the barn. Every Wednesday half of the population would be taken to the cellbarn to be sold, and that number would be replaced after all the cows are gone. How many cows get put in the barn when all of the cows are gone?
Answer: None! If there are 0 cows left, 0 cows will be replaced!
Cow counting Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Alice the Camel has one hump. Alice the Camel has one hump. Alice the Camel has one hump so go Alice go, bump bump bump..... Alice the Camel has no humps, Alice the Camel has no humps, Alice the Camel has no humps. So, what is Alice?
Answer: A horse
Alice the Camel Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.