Riddle: There are three doors. In each door is a way to die. The first door has fire and lava. The second door has lions that haven't eaten in 5 years. In the third door, there is a 1,000-foot drop into alligators. Which door will you likely survive?
Answer: The second door with the lions. Since they haven't eaten in 5 years they will have died.
Three doors Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A mother had five boys Marco, Tucker, Webster, and Thomas. Was the fifth boy named Frank, Evan, or Alex?
Answer: The answer is Frank. The mother named the kids with the first two letters of the days of the week.Monday is Marco, Tuesday is Tucker, Wednesday is Webster, Thursday is Thomas and Friday is Frank.
Five Boys Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man went to a party. There was a bartender at the party, and while the man was recieving his drink, the bartender said," I bet $50 I can write your exact age on this slip of paper." Since the first man had never met this man before, he agreed. In the end he ended up paying the bartender $50. What did the bartender write?
Answer: “Your exact age”.
I bet $50 I can write your exact age on this slip of paper Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two girls were walking in the forest. It started raining very hard, so they took shelter in a nearby hut. When it stopped raining, they went out to look for food. The first girl went straight, and the second girl went left. The first girl found an apple tree, so she took a bite out of an apple. She was turned into an apple tree. The second girl didn't find anything, so she went to find her friend. When she got to the apple trees, a voice said, "Your friend has been turned into an apple tree. You have one guess to figure out which one is her, or she will be stuck as a tree forever." The second girl immediately knew which tree was her friend. How did she know?
Answer: It had recently rained so her friend was the only tree that wasn’t wet.
Apple Tree Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man is asked what his daughters look like. He answers, "They're all blondes, but two, all brunettes, but two, and all redheads, but two." How many daughters does the man have?
Answer: Three daughters. One is blonde, one brunette, and one redhead.
Blondes, Brunettes, and Redheads Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man walks in to an art gallery and concentrates on one particular painting. The museum curator notices this, and he asks why he is so interested in the painting. The man replies, " Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man's father is my father's son." Who is the man in the painting?
Answer: His son.
Strange Paintings Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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