Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 86
Riddle: Zack invented a game for him and his friend Dan to play. They would take turns saying numbers between one and 10. The next player would have to say a number that is greater than the previous one by a number between one and 10. The first player to say 50 would be the winner. Zack decides to let Dan start. How can Dan win?
Answer: If Dan wants to say 50, then he needs Zack to say a number between 40 and 49, so right before 50, Dan needs to say 39. If he wants to say 39, then Zack needs to say a number between 29 and 38, so right before 39, Dan needs to say 28. If Dan wants to say 28, Zack has to say a number between 18 and 27, so right before 28, Dan has to say 17. And if he wants to say 17, he has to let Zack say a number between 7 and 16, so right before 17, Dan has to say 6. In order to win, Dan needs to say 6, then 17, then 28, then 39, and finally 50.
First to Fifty Riddle Meme.
First to Fifty Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Chris wants to enter an exclusive club, but the security guard in front of the door always asks for a password. Chris decides to eavesdrop on clubgoers, and this is what he sees: A woman walks up to the security guard. The guard says "12", and the woman replies "6". The woman is granted access. A man walks up to the security guard. The guard says "6", and the man replies "3". The man is granted access. Another woman walks up to the security guard. The guard says "10", and the woman replies "5". This woman is NOT granted access. Chris thinks he's seen enough, and he walks up to the security guard. The guard says "4". What should Chris say to get into the club?
Answer: To get into the club, Chris should say "4". The task was not to divide the number by two (after all, not all numbers are divisible by two). Instead, the task was to say how many letters are in the number the security guard says. "Twelve" has 6 letters. "Six", in turn, has 3 letters. "Ten" also has 3 letters, so the second woman should have said "3", not "5". Chris should say "4" because "four" consists of 4 letters.
What Should He Say?  Riddle Meme.
What Should He Say? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What starts with E, ends with E, but only contains one letter?
Answer: It's an envelope! You have to think about it literally; an "envelope" begins with E, ends with E, and only contains one letter–the "letter" is the letter you type/write. Some people believe it could be "eye" or "Eve" or "ewe", however, those things contain THREE letters (yes, you have to count the E's in each word because E is also a letter).
One Letter… Riddle Meme.
One Letter… Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Hannah became very tired while driving. She decided to stop at a nearby two-story hotel and stay there for the night. The receptionist said that her hotel room number is 604; he even offered to show Hannah where it was. Hannah didn't believe him; she rushed back to her car, hopped inside, and sped away. Why?
Answer: The first digit of a hotel room number usually indicates the floor it is on. Room 604 is supposed to be on the sixth floor, but the hotel only has two floors.
Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Riddle Meme.
Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Aidan is looking for a girl to invite out. He goes onto an app and finds three girls pretty quickly. He texts each of them, asking if they'd each like to go out with him. Amber says: "Yes, I made a reservation at my favorite restaurant. You have to be there at exactly 8:00 PM,". Julie says, "How about dinner, and then a movie? I could pick you up at 6:00 PM if you'd like,". Francesca says, "I have a huge collection of records at my house, would you like to come and visit?" Only one of these girls is safe to invite. Which girl should Aidan invite out?
Answer: Aidan should invite Julie out. Amber didn't even ask if Aidan wanted to go to the restaurant or not. Besides, she's too rude and bossy. Aidan barely knows Francesca; it's unsafe to go to her place alone. Aidan should go with Julie because she seems the safest and the most polite.
Who Should He Invite?  Riddle Meme.
Who Should He Invite? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Taylor was walking home from the gym when someone ran up in front of the woman and hit her on the right side of her face. The woman went right to the police station to report the attack. The detectives had found three people-Mike, Jerry, and Jack-and arrested them. How can the detectives figure out who really attacked Taylor?
Answer: The detectives should give each suspect a marker and ask them to write their names on a whiteboard. Taylor was hit on the right side of her face, which means that the person who attacked her is left-handed. The detectives just need to observe which of the three suspects writes with his left hand, and that person should be arrested.
Who Hit Her?  Riddle Meme.
Who Hit Her? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.