Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 174
Riddle: I have seven yellow pencils, seven red pencils, and seven blue pencils. I have to divide them into two groups; the first group has to have three fewer yellow pencils than the second group, the second group should have one more red pencil than the first group, and the first group should have five more blue pencils than the second group. How many blue pens would be in each pile?
Answer: Zero. I have seven blue PENCILS, not PENS.
Divide the Pencils Riddle Meme.
Divide the Pencils Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Your spaceship lands on a foreign planet. A stranger in his workout clothes greets you to the entrance of the base. You go inside the base and wait for it to depressurize before removing your space suit. But before you get a chance to remove it, you get a message that someone at the base is an impostor. Who could it be–a man who covers his face because he has a sunburn, a woman with flaky patches all over her skin, or the stranger you saw earlier?
Answer: The stranger you saw earlier is an impostor because a human who is not wearing a spacesuit cannot survive outside of the base in the foreign planet's atmosphere, but this stranger somehow survived without his spacesuit.
Who is an Impostor? Riddle Meme.
Who is an Impostor? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Anna was watching TV in her house when she heard someone knocking on her door. When the woman opened the door, she saw a suspicious-looking man who claimed to be her neighbor. The man became nervous and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was my house. I must have confused the houses,". Anna didn't believe it was just a mistake, and she called the police, saying that this man was a robber. How did Anna know?
Answer: If the man really thought that it was his house, he wouldn't have knocked on the door; he would've tried to open it with his keys. Knocking on the door is a technique used by criminals who want to break in and steal stuff.
Nerve-Wracking Neighbors Riddle Meme.
Nerve-Wracking Neighbors Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man and a woman are talking to each other. One of them is a brunette, while the other person is blond. The brunette says, "I'm a lady,". And the blond person says, "I'm a gentleman,". Assuming that at least one person is lying, can you guess who's who?
Answer: If we suppose that only one person is lying, then the people would either be both ladies or both gentlemen, which contradicts the first statement. Therefore, both people lied; the woman has blond hair, while the man had brunette hair.
Ladies and Gentlemen…Liars! Riddle Meme.
Ladies and Gentlemen…Liars! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Four citizens were accused of robbing a store. Suspect A says, "I didn't rob the store,". Suspect B says, "Suspect C robbed the store,". Suspect C says, "Suspect B is lying,". And Suspect D says, "Suspect A is telling the truth,". Only one suspect is telling the truth. Who robbed the store?
Answer: Suspect A robbed the store; Suspect C is telling the truth. If Suspect B was the thief, then A, C, and D would all be telling the truth. If Suspect C was the thief, then A, B, and D would all be telling the truth. If Suspect D was the thief, then Suspects A, C, and D would all be telling the truth again. Therefore, only Suspect A can be the thief.
Incredible…to be Accused of Theft! Riddle Meme.
Incredible…to be Accused of Theft! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A mad chef forces you to cook breakfast for him; if he likes it, he'll set you free, but if not, you'll stay with him forever. While you're at the stove cooking something up, the chef dumps an entire container of salt into the pot you're cooking with. But when you serve breakfast, the chef realizes he'll have to let you go. What did you cook for him?
Answer: You cooked some boiled eggs. No matter how much salt is added to the pot, the boiled eggs won't be salty.
Cooking Up a Storm of Riddles Riddle Meme.
Cooking Up a Storm of Riddles Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are 10 fish in my fish tank. Suddenly, two of them drown, three of them swim away, and four of them die. How many fish are left in the tank?
Answer: There are still 10 fish left. For one thing, fish can't drown. Plus, none of the fish could have swam away because they're still in the tank.
Fishy Situation Riddle Meme.
Fishy Situation Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The giraffe is taller than the lion but shorter than the palm tree. Which animal is the tallest?
Answer: The giraffe is the tallest animal. A palm tree is not an animal, duh!
It's Troublesome Being This Tall! Riddle Meme.
It's Troublesome Being This Tall! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Which statement is correct? 1) 119 and 19 is 128. 2) 119 and 19 are 128.
Answer: Neither statement is true; 119 and 19 are 138, not 128.
Do You Know How to Add Numbers? Riddle Meme.
Do You Know How to Add Numbers? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two ladies were detained by security officers at an airport–one of whom claimed to be a computer scientist, and one of whom claimed to be a geographer. One of them was secretly a smuggler! A security officer asked the supposed computer scientist, "Do you know about the Gava computer program?". The woman answered, "Do you mean Java?". The security officer then asked the supposed geographer, "Have you ever been to the capital of Spain, that is, Granada?". The geographer said, "Yes! It's a beautiful city!". Who was the smuggler?
Answer: The capital of Spain is Madrid, not Granada. If the second woman was really a geographer, she would know this; she must be the smuggler!
Correct me if I am Wrong Riddle Meme.
Correct me if I am Wrong Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.