Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 86
Riddle: Nicholas loves to collect pairs of shoes. All of his pairs of shoes are blue, except for three; all of them are white, except for three; all of them are brown, except for three; finally, all of them are beige, except for three. How many pairs of shoes does Nicholas have?
Answer: Nicholas has four pairs of shoes. Let's say that x is the number of pairs of shoes Nicholas has. x - 3 should be the term we need to use because the phrase "(color) except for three" means that three pairs of shoes in his collection are NOT of that color. And we should use this term four times because four colors are mentioned in the riddle. 4(x - 3) should be equal to x because once again, x represents the number of pairs of shoes. Here is the algebra: 4 (x - 3) = x 4x - 12 = x -12 = -3x 4 = x Therefore, there are four pairs of shoes in Nicholas' collection: one blue, one white, one brown, and one beige.
Nicholas and the Pairs of Shoes Riddle Meme.
Nicholas and the Pairs of Shoes Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ryan and his son Ralph go to a pet store. Ralph sees a very cute rabbit, and asks Ryan to buy it for him. Ryan seems unsure about it, and tells Ralph, "Oh, Ralph, these rabbits can breed every two months, and each time, they will produce four bunnies. We're going to have so many rabbits in our house after a year, and I don't want to take care of them! They'll be too much to take care of!". Ralph laughs at Ryan and says,"Don't be so silly, Dad! We're not going to have that many rabbits in our house after that long!". Who is correct, and how many rabbits will Ralph and Ryan have in a year?
Answer: Ralph is correct; they will only have one rabbit after a year. Ralph and Ryan only saw one rabbit in the pet store, but a single rabbit simply can't breed on its own; it takes TWO rabbits to breed. Therefore, after one year, the two of them will only have that one rabbit…if they choose to buy it, that is.
Ralph and Ryan's Rabbits Riddle Meme.
Ralph and Ryan's Rabbits Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Simon and Bryce are two farmers. They want to see which of their chickens will lay more eggs in a month. Simon has four roosters; he claims that they can each lay 3 eggs in a day. Bryce has three hens; he claims that they can each lay 2 eggs in a day. The contest the two farmers propose happens in June. By the end of the month, which farmer will have the most eggs?
Answer: Bryce will have more eggs than Simon, simply because Simon is lying. Roosters don't lay eggs, so Simon will not have any eggs by the end of June.
Don't Count Your Chickens Riddle Meme.
Don't Count Your Chickens Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Chloe likes orange, but she hates it at the same time. How can this be?
Answer: Chloe likes the color orange, but hates orange fruit…or vice-versa (i.e. Chloe likes orange fruit, but hates the color orange).
Love it or Hate it… Riddle Meme.
Love it or Hate it… Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ben is a high school student. During the first week of the new school year, he fills his room's refrigerator with chicken sandwiches. One day, he goes to take out a chicken sandwich for lunch and sees that all of them are gone. Ben shares the room with three other guests, so he questions them. Dylan said, "I was partying with my girlfriend all last night, so I had to skip classes". Cindy said, "I was feeling sick yesterday, so I stayed home. I don't know what happened". Victor said, "I was in the library all day, studying for my finals". Who is the liar?
Answer: Victor is the liar. It was the first week of the new school year; he couldn't be studying for his finals, since those exams take place at the END of a school year, not at the beginning.
Who Took the Chicken Sandwiches?  Riddle Meme.
Who Took the Chicken Sandwiches? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Willow is a mother of three children-Richard, aged 17, Sasha, aged 15, and Xavier, aged 13. One morning, Willow was about to leave for work when she discovered that her money was stolen. Her husband was away on a business trip, so the thief could only be one of her kids; Willow asked each of them what they had been doing the previous night. Richard said that he was at the club with his friend David. Sasha said that she had a headache, so she took a painkiller and went straight to bed. And Xavier said that he was at his team's baseball practice. Willow immediately knew which child was lying. Who was it?
Answer: Richard is lying. He couldn't be at the club because he's only 17. And before you say, "He could've been at an after-school club", just note that "the club" usually refers to a nightclub; only folks who are 21 or older can get inside. Because Richard is not old enough to get into the club, he couldn't be in there with his friend. Therefore, he must have taken Willow's money.
Mother's Money Riddle Meme.
Mother's Money Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Jake is a blogger who likes to look at how many likes his posts get. One day, he checks the likes on his most recent post. Only one of the following statements is true. How many likes did Jake get? 1) Jake got at least 1 like. 2) Jake got at least 50 likes. 3) Jake got fewer than 50 likes.
Answer: Only the third statement is true; Jake got zero likes. If the first statement is true, then he has at least one like, but the third statement is also true, assuming that this number is less than 50; this contradicts the conditions. If the second statement is true, then Jake has at least 50 likes, but the first statement automatically becomes true, too. If the third statement is true, then Jake has fewer than 50 likes; this makes the second statement wrong, but for the first statement to be wrong, too, the post should have gotten less than one like. Therefore, Jake got zero likes on his most recent post.
How Many Likes Did he Get?  Riddle Meme.
How Many Likes Did he Get? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two mothers and two daughters went to the grocery store to buy watermelons. Strangely, they only walked out of the grocery store with three watermelons, but this was enough for each of them to have one watermelon. How is it possible?
Answer: Only three people went grocery shopping: a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter. The grandmother is also a mother (she is the mother's mother), and the mother is also a daughter (she is the grandmother's daughter).
Family Problem Riddle Meme.
Family Problem Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Lucy went onto a game show, and she was one task away from winning the grand prize: $500,000.00. She was shown four bags; one of these bags had the cash prize inside, while the other three were empty. Lucy had only one chance to choose the bag with the money. Each bag had a statement on it, but only one statement was true. A: The money is in either Bag B or Bag C. B: The money is in either Bag A or Bag D. C: The money is in this bag. D: The money is not in this bag. Which statement is true, and which bag has the money?
Answer: Statement B is true. Bag D has the money. If Bag A had the money, then statements B and D would both be true. If Bag B had the money, then statements A and D would both be true. If Bag C had the money, then statements A, C, and D would all be true. But, we only need one true statement. If Bag D had the money, then the statements on all of the bags would be false, except for that on Bag B. This matches the conditions, so the money is in Bag D.
Money's in the Bag Riddle Meme.
Money's in the Bag Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: On a bright and sunny day, a powerful and evil wizard locked Karen on the top floor of his tower. Then, the wizard set a huge magic fire around the base of the castle, so Karen would not be able to get out. The room had a small window. Karen looked around and saw three potions on the table. The first potion would give Karen incredible human strength. The second potion would turn Karen into a vampire. The third potion would let Karen summon any animal she'd like. Which potion should Karen choose to escape?
Answer: Karen should choose the potion that allows her to turn into a vampire (the second potion). Even if she has all of the strength in the world, she wouldn't be able to do anything to the magic fire. And no animal can help Karen escape. If Karen turns into a vampire, though, she can transform into a bat and fly away through the window. And I know what you're thinking, but no–even though it's a sunny day, bats cannot die in the sun.
Stuck in a Castle Riddle Meme.
Stuck in a Castle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.