Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 86
Riddle: Mr. Wilson was found unconscious in his bedroom on a Saturday evening. There were just five other people in his house at the time of the murder: Mr. Wilson's wife, their personal chef, a butler, a housemaid, and a gardener. They all told the detective what they were doing that evening. Mrs. Wilson: I was reading a book in the living room. The chef: I was cooking breakfast. The butler: I was giving instructions to several workers in the living room. The housemaid: I was in the kitchen, washing the dishes. The gardener: I was in the greenhouse, watering plants. The detective arrested the culprit right away. Who was it, and how did the detective know?
Answer: In fact, there wasn't just one culprit–there were TWO culprits: the personal chef and the butler. The personal chef is the first culprit; the murder happened in the EVENING. He couldn't be cooking breakfast so late in the day. The butler is the second culprit; there were only 5 other people in the house, including himself, and almost none of them were in the living room, except for the wife (but she is not a WORKER). He couldn't be supervising so many workers.
Mysterious Murder Riddle Meme.
Mysterious Murder Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Sheila baked a batch of delicious peanut butter cookies for dessert later in the day. She couldn't eat them while near her husband, though; he was severely allergic to all types of nuts. Plus, the couple's three kids–David, Amanda, and Frank–were all grounded and not allowed to eat sweets for a week. When Sheila went to get the cookies later in the day, she noticed that all of them were gone. She knew it must have been one of her kids who ate the cookies, so she interrogated them. David said that he was helping Dad to bake an apple pie in the kitchen. Amanda said that earlier in the day, she and Dad were eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. She didn't have time for cookies. Frank said that he was doing his homework upstairs. Sheila instantly knew who was lying, and grounded that child for another week. Who was the cookie thief?
Answer: Amanda stole the cookies. She couldn't be eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with Dad earlier in the day; after all, Sheila's husband is severely allergic to all types of nuts.
Stolen Cookies Riddle Meme.
Stolen Cookies Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ms. Dell is a math teacher at a high school. She always gives her students summer homework. One year, her students are SO tired of summer homework, and they want her to stop giving it to them. Ms. Dell promises a riddle to the students; whoever gets it right will not get summer homework. The riddle went like this: Add me to myself, and multiply me by four. Divide me by eight, and you will have me once more. What number am I? All of her students gave different answers, but nobody received any summer homework. How is that possible?
Answer: All numbers work with Ms. Dell's riddle! ((x + x) * 4) / 8 will always equal x.
Free From Homework Riddle Meme.
Free From Homework Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Wendy and Maverick are participating in a mathematical game show. Their scores are tied, so whoever gets the last riddle correct wins. The riddle goes like this: I am thinking of a number. It is a five-digit whole number. It can be read the same way forwards, backwards, and upside-down. The second digit is half of the third. The last digit is the product of the first and last digits. And the sum of all five digits is 10. What number am I thinking of? Wendy says, "12,421". Maverick says, "10,801". Who is correct?
Answer: Maverick is correct. The number is 10,801. This is why: Both numbers meet most of the requirements, but 12421 does not meet the second requirement because it CANNOT be read the same way upside-down as right-side-up. Many think 10801 does not meet the third requirement, but 0 CAN be half of 8 if you cut 8 in half horizontally. This way, you will get two zeros, and 10801 DOES meet the third requirement. Since only 10801 meets all the requirements, it is the correct answer, and Maverick is right!
Finals of a Math Game Riddle Meme.
Finals of a Math Game Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Dominick is the manager of a massively successful hotel. One day, his richest guest, Kim, calls him. She says that someone stole all of her money from the vault in her room. Dominick decides to question three other hotel guests–Sally, Lawrence, and Deborah. Dominick asks each of them just one question: "What were you doing within the last hour?" Sally says, "I was chilling in a hotel room with my boyfriend, and had nothing to do with the robbery." Lawrence says, "I was having lunch in the local sushi restaurant on the top floor. " Deborah says," I was swimming in the hotel swimming pool." Who is the robber?
Answer: Sally is the robber. Dominick never mentioned the robbery, but Sally started making excuses straight away.
Theft! At The Hotel Riddle Meme.
Theft! At The Hotel Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Miya had a birthday party. She invited three friends over-Derek, Trevor, and Amanda-who each gave her some gifts. In the middle of the party, Miya realizes that someone has stolen all of her gifts. She thinks it is one of the guests, so she questions them. Each guest makes two assertions-one truth and one lie. Derek: "I wasn't in the house when it happened. I know Amanda stole the gifts". Trevor: "Amanda stole them, I saw them. I already have enough gifts". Amanda: "I didn't steal the gifts. Derek tells the truth, he wasn't in the house". Who stole the gifts?
Answer: Trevor stole the gifts. If Derek was the thief, both of his assertions would have been false. And if Amanda was the thief, both of Derek's assertions would have been true. Both cases go against the rules, so Trevor is the thief.
Someone Stole the Gifts!  Riddle Meme.
Someone Stole the Gifts! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: In a parallel universe, it's only allowed to have fun and eat junk food. No one ever reads or studies. One rainy day, Mrs. Rellum came home after a long day at a club. She asked her three daughters what they had been doing. Hannah said that she was at the park with her friends. Elle said that she spent the day watching movies in her room. Ava said that she invited her best friend over, made a huge pizza, and ate it together. One of Mrs. Rellum's daughters is lying. Who is it?
Answer: Hannah is lying. She couldn't be at the park with her friends because it was raining all day.
Parallel Universe Riddle Meme.
Parallel Universe Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Helen went to a summer camp with her best friends. One day, the friends had to tell each other fun facts about themselves. Helen told her friends, "I was born on February 29th, so I have four times fewer birthdays than you guys. This year, I turned 17,". Helen's friends laughed at her and called her out for lying. Why?
Answer: February 29th only happens once every four years. Helen couldn't celebrate her 17th birthday on her actual birthday because this number can't be divided by four. So, either she wasn't born on February 29th, or she's not 17.
Febru-RARE-y 29th? Riddle Meme.
Febru-RARE-y 29th? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One night, 6-year-old Mary wakes up and finds herself standing in front of four doors. She needs to choose one in order to escape. Behind the first door, there is a raging fire that is impossible to extinguish. Behind the second door, there is a black hole that sucks everything and everyone in. Behind the third door, there is a creepy and dangerous monster who eats everything and everyone that enters. And behind the fourth door, there is a cop who would shoot any man or woman who enters. Which door should Mary choose to escape?
Answer: Mary should choose the fourth door to escape. The cop will shoot every man and woman who enters, but Mary is only six years old, so she's not a woman. Therefore, the cop will probably leave Mary alone.
Which Door Should Mary Pick?  Riddle Meme.
Which Door Should Mary Pick? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Colin recently bought a new motorbike. One morning, he polished the bike for his evening bike ride, closed the garage, and went to work. When Colin came back, he found that the motorbike was gone. The man called the police, and the officers questioned three neighbors. Jessica said that she had stayed home all day because she was sick. Elizabeth said that when she was walking her dog, she saw that the motorbike was still in the garage. Pete said that he had come to Colin's house to ask for some garden tools, but when nobody opened the door for him, he simply left. Who stole the motorbike?
Answer: Elizabeth stole the motorbike. She couldn't possibly see that the bike was still in the garage because Colin closed the garage before leaving to go to work.
Colin's Motorbike Riddle Meme.
Colin's Motorbike Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.