Riddle: A butterfly flies to a rock in the middle of a huge lake and stops to rest. If it swims North, it's five minutes to the mainland. If it swims East, it's four minutes to the mainland. If it swims South, it's three minutes to the mainland. And if it swims West, it's two minutes to the mainland. In which direction should the butterfly swim?
Answer: The butterfly shouldn't swim in any direction because butterflies don't swim; they fly!
Butterfly, Butterfly, Swim Away! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Emily wants to become a professional chef, but the cooking school she wants to apply to only accepts applicants over 17. Here's what you know about Emily's siblings' ages: 1) Emily's brother Patrick's age is two times that of Emily, and; 2) Emily's sister Nicole's age is one-half of that of Patrick. Nicole turned 17 this year. Using this information, can Emily apply to the cooking school this year?
Answer: No, she cannot. If Nicole is 17, and her age is one-half of that of Patrick, then Patrick must be two times Nicole's age. Therefore, Patrick is 34. If Patrick is 34, and his age is two times that of Emily, then Emily must be one-half of Patrick's age. Therefore, Emily is 17. Emily and Nicole are of the same age because they are twins. However, the cooking school only accepts applicants "over 17", not "17 and over". Therefore, Emily cannot apply to the cooking school this year.
Can She Apply? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Walker has to unlock his locker to get his uniform and get dressed for his basketball game. However, his lock requires a three-digit code to be unlocked. Walker doesn't know the exact code, but here are some clues. A) 8-6-5 One number is correct and in the right position. B) 8-4-0 One number is correct but in the wrong position. C) 3-5-0 Two numbers are correct but in the wrong positions. D) 3-6-9 Nothing is correct. E) 7-6-9 One number is correct but in the wrong position. What is the code?
Answer: The code is 0-7-5. Starting with Clue D, we can eliminate 3, 6, and 9, and all instances of those numbers, because none of them are in the final code. 8 cannot be in the final code because Clues A and B would contradict each other if it was in the code. This means that 5 is in the code, and it takes the third position; we can therefore eliminate 4, too. From Clue C, we can conclude that 5 and 0 are part of the code, because 3 is not (we already eliminated it based on Clue D). And based on Clue E, the last digit we need is 7, because we already eliminated 6 and 9 based on Clue D. We do not know the positions of 0 and 7, however, but we know that 5 takes the third position, which leaves us with just two options for the code: either 7-0-5 or 0-7-5. 7-0-5 cannot be the code because it would contradict Clue E since 7 cannot go in the first position; it can only go in the second position, while 0 goes in the first position. This means that the correct code is 0-7-5.
Riddle: Victoria's best friend, Kayla, meets up with two guys whom Victoria likes: Andrew and Phillip. Both boys ask Kayla who Victoria likes more. Kayla didn't want to reveal her best friend's secret, but she gave the boys a hint: Victoria likes pizza, but she hates burgers. Her favorite color is green, but she doesn't like purple. She has a pet parakeet, but she avoids dogs. And Victoria always goes to the mall instead of the beach. Based on the hint, which boy does Victoria like more?
Answer: Victoria likes Phillip more than Andrew. We have to look for some pattern in the hint Kayla gave the boys. Things such as "mall", "parakeet", "green", and "pizza" contain double letters, whereas things like "beach", "dog", "purple", and "burger" do not. The name "Phillip" contains the double letter "L", but the name "Andrew" doesn't have any double letters. Therefore, Victoria likes Phillip.
Who Does She Like? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Teresa found her friend Andy unconscious on the floor of his studio in the attic. The girl called the police; when the officer arrived, she told him her story. Teresa said, "I was walking past Andy's house when I saw, through the window, that the light was on. I also found that Andy was lying in his room; he didn't look too good, so I rushed inside and immediately called the police,". The officer didn't believe Teresa. Do you?
Answer: No; Teresa's story doesn't sound quite right. Andy was found in the attic; it's on the TOP floor of a house. Teresa couldn't possibly see the guy through the window.
Teresa's Troubles Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Farmer Egbert has a cow, two horses, and a cat. The farmer drives up to the farm accompanied by his dog Fluffball. How many feet are there on the farm?
Answer: The task was to count the number of FEET, so the correct answer is just two. Cows and horses have HOOVES; dogs and cats have PAWS; only Egbert, a human, has FEET.
Count the Number of Feet Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Right before a restaurant was about to open, someone stole all of the money from the cashier's desk. The chef said that he was working hard and didn't have time to walk or look around, so he didn't see anything. The security guard said that he was in the bathroom and didn't notice anything suspicious. The waiter said that he remembered seeing one visitor looking suspicious to him; somehow, he ignored the visitor and didn't stop him. The waiter got arrested for stealing the money. Why?
Answer: The phrase, "Right before a restaurant was about to open…" means that the restaurant was still closed. There couldn't have been any visitors inside. Therefore, the waiter is lying.
The Money Has Been Stolen! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Which number would be bigger: the product of all of the numbers on your calculator, or the SUM of those numbers?
Answer: The sum would be bigger because multiplying any number by zero always results in zero. Yes, you have to include zero; it is also a number on your calculator.
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