Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 86
Riddle: Fiona's mother has 12 children. One day, the mother comes home and sees that all 12 children are busy. The first child, January, is reading a book. The second child, February, is cooking dinner. The third child, March, is playing chess. The fourth child, April, is tidying up her room. The fifth child, May, is taking a nap. The sixth child, June, is taking a shower. The seventh child, July, is gardening outside. The eighth child, August, is lighting the fireplace. The ninth child, September, is painting a picture. The 10th child, October, is doing yoga. The 11th child, November, is doing her homework. What is the name of the 12th child, and what is he/she doing?
Answer: The name of the 12th child is Fiona, and she is playing chess with March. Fiona is the name of the 12th child because this is FIONA'S mother. And Fiona is playing chess with March because most of the aforementioned activities require only one person to do, except for playing chess; that activity requires two players.
The Twelve Tricky Sisters Riddle Meme.
The Twelve Tricky Sisters Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Jasmine was the worst student in her class. One day, her instructor, Mr. Collins, gave her a chance to stay in her class and not be expelled. He said, "Give me a statement. If the statement is true, you will not be expelled from the class. And if the statement is false, you will be expelled from the class. So, what do you say?". What should Jasmine say to stay in her class?
Answer: Jasmine should say, "I will be expelled from the class,". If we suppose that the statement is true, then Jasmine would not be expelled from the class. But then, it makes the statement false. And if we suppose that the statement is false, then Jasmine would be expelled from the class. But then, it makes the statement true. This phrase creates a paradox, as it cannot be true AND false at the same time.
Paradoxical Phrase Riddle Meme.
Paradoxical Phrase Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Jennifer is always late for work. One day, she comes to work late as usual, which angers her boss. But, her boss is more lenient today and gives Jennifer a chance to keep her job. If she solves his rebus puzzle, Jennifer won't be fired. The boss says, "I'm A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z!". Luckily, Jennifer was a smart girl and managed to keep her job. What did the rebus puzzle say?
Answer: "I'm missing you". "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z" is missing the letter "U", which sounds like "I'm missing you (U)".
Solve the Rebus Puzzle!  Riddle Meme.
Solve the Rebus Puzzle! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Harry is in a history competition with two other students–Renèe and Tyler. The rules are as follows: A student will choose another student to target. A history question will be read out, and the student will give his or her answer. If the answer is correct, the target is eliminated. And if the answer is incorrect, the target stays in the game. This will happen until only one student remains. Harry isn't very good in history; his odds of answering correctly are 1/3. Renèe's odds are a little better–2/3. And Tyler is a history ace, with his odds of giving the correct answer being 3/3. Every student knows everyone else's odds. To be fair, Harry will begin; then, the turn will pass to Renèe, then to Tyler, and then to Harry, and so on until one player remains. How can Harry have higher chances to win?
Answer: On Harry's first turn, he should give the incorrect answer on purpose. If he targets Renèe and manages to eliminate her, then it's just Harry and Tyler; however, Tyler will definitely eliminate Harry because HIS odds are much higher. And if Harry targets Tyler and manages to eliminate him, then it's just Harry and Renèe; however, Renèe might eliminate Harry because she has higher odds. If Harry purposefully answers incorrectly, the turn will simply move to Renèe, who will answer next. On Renèe's first turn, she will likely target Tyler because he has higher odds than her. If she manages to eliminate him, then it's just Harry and Renèe. Harry will be going first with his shot at winning the competition. If Renèe doesn't eliminate Tyler, then it will be HIS turn; Tyler will target Renèe and eliminate her for sure due to his odds being higher than hers. Although Harry will have to go against Tyler in the end, it's still a fair situation because Harry will still be going first with a chance to win.
Harry's History Tournament Riddle Meme.
Harry's History Tournament Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One night, Reyanna-a young and famous singer who recorded her first album just a half a year ago-was invited to perform at a concert. When it was her turn to sing, the audience was extremely excited…but Reyanna never appeared on the stage; she was found in her dressing room, unconscious. Police officers questioned three other singers who had to perform that night. Maria: I'm new to show business, so I came up to Reyanna to ask for some advice, but I didn't hit her! Christina: My cousin is one of Reyanna's biggest fans; she's been listening to her for years! I've even gotten her autograph for her! Erica: I didn't even see Reyanna-I was too nervous to leave my dressing room to go on stage! Who hit Reyanna?
Answer: It was Christina who hit Reyanna. She said that her cousin had been listening to Reyanna for YEARS, but the singer recorded her first album only six MONTHS ago.
Who Hit the Singer?  Riddle Meme.
Who Hit the Singer? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Right before a restaurant was about to open, someone stole all of the money from the cashier's desk. The chef said that he was working hard and didn't have time to walk or look around, so he didn't see anything. The security guard said that he was in the bathroom and didn't notice anything suspicious. The waiter said that he remembered seeing one visitor looking suspicious to him; somehow, he ignored the visitor and didn't stop him. The waiter got arrested for stealing the money. Why?
Answer: The phrase, "Right before a restaurant was about to open…" means that the restaurant was still closed. There couldn't have been any visitors inside. Therefore, the waiter is lying.
The Money Has Been Stolen!  Riddle Meme.
The Money Has Been Stolen! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Vanessa is a bilingual student; she speaks English and German. However, she hasn't been preparing for her exams. She decides to complete all of her exams in German. When most of her teachers see her exams, they don't understand what she's written and give her the tests back. However, one of Vanessa's teachers figured out what she was doing and gave her an F-. Which teacher was that?
Answer: It was Vanessa's math teacher who failed her. Math is mostly numbers, so the girl's math teacher could understand everything and check the exam.
Bilingual Bummer Riddle Meme.
Bilingual Bummer Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Russell was watching TV when he got a call from the police. They said that they had found his friend unconscious, and asked him to come. As soon as Russell came, the officers arrested him. Why?
Answer: The officers didn't tell Russell the exact location to come to. How would the man know where to come if he didn't know what happened?
Why Was He Arrested?  Riddle Meme.
Why Was He Arrested? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Beckett called the police and said that his little brother, Cody, had been kidnapped. The man told the officers, "I was walking in the park with Cody. Suddenly, a stranger ran up to us and snatched my brother! I told the man to put him down or else I'd call the police, but then he ran away!". The officers asked Beckett to give a description of the kidnapper. Beckett said, "The stranger was tall and thin, he had dark hair, and he was wearing a blue v-neck T-shirt,". After these words, Beckett was arrested for fraud. Why?
Answer: If the supposed stranger was running away from Beckett, the guy couldn't have seen that he was wearing a v-neck T-shirt because the v-neck is normally seen in the front, but Beckett could only see the guy's back.
Who Really Kidnapped the Boy?  Riddle Meme.
Who Really Kidnapped the Boy? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Serena made a cake for her husband's birthday. She wanted to save it for the evening, but at that time, Serena found that someone had eaten the cake! The woman concluded that it must have been one of her kids–either Justin, Theodore, or Mia–so she questions them. Justin says, "It was Theodore!". Theodore says, "It was Mia!". And Mia says, "Theodore is lying!". Assuming that only the culprit lies, and that the innocent kids tell the truth, who ate the cake?
Answer: Theodore ate the cake. If Justin was the thief, then he and Theodore would be lying, and Mia would be telling the truth, which contradicts the conditions. And if Mia was the thief, then she and Justin would be lying, and Theodore would be telling the truth; this also goes against the rules. Therefore, Justin and Mia are telling the truth, and Theodore is lying, which means that Theodore is the thief.
Who Ate the Cake?  Riddle Meme.
Who Ate the Cake? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.