Riddle: During the first week of July, Jenny came back from a business trip and saw that her house had been burgled. She called the police and told them the following story: "My business trip was supposed to be between the 29th and the 31st of the previous month, so I was supposed to be gone for three days. However, I returned just now and found my house in a huge mess! Someone must have robbed me!". Jenny was arrested for a false report. Why?
Answer: Jenny came back during the first week of July, so the previous month was June. She couldn't be away for business between the 29th and the 31st of June because June 31st doesn't exist; there are only 30 days in June.
Back From a Business Trip Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Four friends went out one night. During the trip back, they tried to squeeze under an umbrella, but it was too small for them to fit through. Still, everyone managed to stay dry by the time they arrived home. How can this be?
Answer: It wasn't raining. I didn't say that it was raining after all!
How Did They Stay Dry? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mrs. Nimbus left some money for her eldest son, Garrett, to go grocery shopping. When Garrett went to take the money, he didn't find it. Mrs. Nimbus suspected that one of her two younger kids-either Abby or Rick–had stolen it, so she questioned them. Abby said that she had put the money underneath a book so that it wouldn't fly away. Rick said that he had put the money inside the book between pages 51 and 52. Who's the thief?
Answer: Rick is the thief. Books normally have their odd-numbered pages on the right, while the even-numbered pages are on the left. Pages 51 and 52 are on two sides of the same sheet, so Rick couldn't have put the money between those two pages.
Who Stole Her Money for Groceries? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ty has four frogs-Lily, Hoppy, Croaky, and Icky–and he needs you to identify their colors. One of the frogs is black and blue, while the other three and black and orange. Assuming that both of the following statements are true, can you guess which frog is black and blue? 1) Lily and Hoppy are of the same color. 2) Croaky isn't black and blue.
Answer: Icky is black and blue. If Lily and Hoppy are of the same color, then both of them must be black and orange because only ONE of the frogs is black and blue. And if Croaky isn't black and blue, then he is black and orange. Therefore, Icky is the only black and blue frog among the four frogs.
The Frog With the Odd Color Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You are a monster hunter. You know that werewolves either tell only truths or only lies. One day, you meet up with your friends-Daniel and Cameron-and ask if either one of them is a werewolf. Daniel says, "Cameron is a lying werewolf. And I'm a human,". And Cameron says, "Daniel is telling the truth,". Can you identify who is who?
Answer: You know that werewolves cannot tell half-truths, so Daniel's statements have to both be either true or false. If they are both true, then Daniel is a human, and Cameron is a lying werewolf. But then, Cameron is telling the truth, too. This contradicts Daniel's second statement. Therefore, both of Daniel's statements are false, and Cameron is also lying. It means that Daniel is a werewolf and Cameron is a lying human.
Werewolf or Human? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Betty and Becky are twins, who love to lie on certain days. Betty lies on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, while Becky lies on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. One day, you come up to the twins and ask them what day it is. They say, "Yesterday was one of my lying days," in unison. What day is it?
Answer: It can't be Sunday because both girls would be telling the truth…and someone is obviously lying now. It can either be Monday or Thursday because on those days, either Betty or Becky lies. But if it's Monday, both girls would lie saying yesterday was a lying day. Therefore, it's Thursday; Betty is telling the truth, and Becky is lying.
"Yesterday was one of my lying days,". Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Reuben, a renowned author, was found unconscious in his study on a Sunday morning. His agent, Kelly, called the police to report it. When the officers arrived, they questioned three suspects: Anna the nanny, Mike the cleaner, and Mark the driver. Anna said that she had driven Reuben's daughter to school. Mike said that he had a day off and spent it with his family. And Mark said that he had taken Reuben's car to the car wash. Who attacked Reuben?
Answer: Anna the nanny is lying. Children don't go to school on Sundays.
Someone Called the Author-ities! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: When summer break ended, Mila told her friends about her vacation in Africa. Mila said, "Oh, it was great! But on the last day of my trip, a massive volcanic eruption happened; it didn't spoil my vacation only because I flew home that day,". Mila's friends didn't believe her. Why?
Answer: All flights must get canceled when a volcanic eruption occurs, so Mila couldn't have flown home on the last day of her vacation; she's lying.
Mila's Vacation Mishap Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Answer: The ambiguity of this riddle means that the answer could be either two or three. But the real answer is three because you have to follow the order of operations (half of two is one, and one plus two is three).
Half of Two Plus Two Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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