Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 173
Riddle: Ben is a high school student. During the first week of the new school year, he fills his room's refrigerator with chicken sandwiches. One day, he goes to take out a chicken sandwich for lunch and sees that all of them are gone. Ben shares the room with three other guests, so he questions them. Dylan said, "I was partying with my girlfriend all last night, so I had to skip classes". Cindy said, "I was feeling sick yesterday, so I stayed home. I don't know what happened". Victor said, "I was in the library all day, studying for my finals". Who is the liar?
Answer: Victor is the liar. It was the first week of the new school year; he couldn't be studying for his finals, since those exams take place at the END of a school year, not at the beginning.
Who Took the Chicken Sandwiches?  Riddle Meme.
Who Took the Chicken Sandwiches? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Helen went to a summer camp with her best friends. One day, the friends had to tell each other fun facts about themselves. Helen told her friends, "I was born on February 29th, so I have four times fewer birthdays than you guys. This year, I turned 17,". Helen's friends laughed at her and called her out for lying. Why?
Answer: February 29th only happens once every four years. Helen couldn't celebrate her 17th birthday on her actual birthday because this number can't be divided by four. So, either she wasn't born on February 29th, or she's not 17.
Febru-RARE-y 29th? Riddle Meme.
Febru-RARE-y 29th? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One night, 6-year-old Mary wakes up and finds herself standing in front of four doors. She needs to choose one in order to escape. Behind the first door, there is a raging fire that is impossible to extinguish. Behind the second door, there is a black hole that sucks everything and everyone in. Behind the third door, there is a creepy and dangerous monster who eats everything and everyone that enters. And behind the fourth door, there is a cop who would shoot any man or woman who enters. Which door should Mary choose to escape?
Answer: Mary should choose the fourth door to escape. The cop will shoot every man and woman who enters, but Mary is only six years old, so she's not a woman. Therefore, the cop will probably leave Mary alone.
Which Door Should Mary Pick?  Riddle Meme.
Which Door Should Mary Pick? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One night, Reyanna-a young and famous singer who recorded her first album just a half a year ago-was invited to perform at a concert. When it was her turn to sing, the audience was extremely excited…but Reyanna never appeared on the stage; she was found in her dressing room, unconscious. Police officers questioned three other singers who had to perform that night. Maria: I'm new to show business, so I came up to Reyanna to ask for some advice, but I didn't hit her! Christina: My cousin is one of Reyanna's biggest fans; she's been listening to her for years! I've even gotten her autograph for her! Erica: I didn't even see Reyanna-I was too nervous to leave my dressing room to go on stage! Who hit Reyanna?
Answer: It was Christina who hit Reyanna. She said that her cousin had been listening to Reyanna for YEARS, but the singer recorded her first album only six MONTHS ago.
Who Hit the Singer?  Riddle Meme.
Who Hit the Singer? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Four friends-Chloe, Evelyn, Francesca, and Grace-went out for lunch. Someone asked them about their ages, and this is what they said: "Evelyn is three times older than Francesca. But three years ago, Francesca was a year younger than Chloe is now. And Grace is two times older than Francesca,". Can you rank the girls in order of their ages?
Answer: From oldest to youngest, the order is as follows: Evelyn, Grace, Francesca, and Chloe. Evelyn is three times older than Francesca, and Grace is two times older than Francesca. Evelyn is older than Grace because multiplying a number by three will result in a greater number than multiplying the number by two. Both of them are older than Francesca, but if it was three years ago that Francesca was a year younger than Chloe is now, then Francesca is two years older than Chloe. Therefore, Evelyn is the oldest, followed by Grace, then Francesca, and then Chloe.
Rank Them By Age Riddle Meme.
Rank Them By Age Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Russell was watching TV when he got a call from the police. They said that they had found his friend unconscious, and asked him to come. As soon as Russell came, the officers arrested him. Why?
Answer: The officers didn't tell Russell the exact location to come to. How would the man know where to come if he didn't know what happened?
Why Was He Arrested?  Riddle Meme.
Why Was He Arrested? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Sofia is a student in high school. Her professor, Ms. Davis, assigned her an essay that would be due in three days. Sofia, being the worst student in her class, procrastinates and doesn't even begin the essay. Three days later, Sofia begs Ms. Davis to push the essay date back by five more days, and Ms. Davis agrees. Five days go by, and still…no essay. Sofia begs Ms. Davis to push the essay date back by a week, and Ms. Davis agrees. One week later, Sofia comes to the class with a burning candle (How did she even bring it in there?), but no essay. Sofia asks Ms. Davis if she can push the essay back until the candle wick burns out, and Ms. Davis agrees once again. Sofia laughs because she doesn't have to ever worry about the essay again. Why?
Answer: Sofia blew out the candle. She said, "until the candle wick burns out", NOT, "until the flame burns out". Therefore, Sofia can keep the candle unburned forever and never submit her essay.
Move the Essay Back, Please!  Riddle Meme.
Move the Essay Back, Please! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Cooper wakes up in a room and sees three piles of shattered glass; each pile contains a few shards of glass with letters on them. His task is to rearrange the piles of glass into words and find out which word doesn't belong. Can you unscramble these words and help Cooper out? CBNAO | PCEUCKA | VLEO
Answer: The three words are BACON, CUPCAKE, and LOVE. This riddle is open to many interpretations, so there are multiple answers. For example, BACON doesn't end with an E (unlike CUPCAKE and LOVE). However, CUPCAKE has three vowels (while BACON and LOVE have two each). On the other hand, LOVE is an emotion (while BACON and CUPCAKE are foods). No matter which word you pick, there is at least one reason for it being correct.
Cooper's Words Riddle Meme.
Cooper's Words Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Janet is a janitor of a large museum. One day, while cleaning the ladies' room, she spots a precious ring with red gems. When Janet leaves the ladies' room, three people–Sarah, Catherine, and Harold–show up to claim it. Sarah said that the ring belonged to her grandmother; emeralds fit her green eyes perfectly anyway. Catherine asked if the ring had an engraving etched inside, and if it was damaged in any way. Harold said that he lost the ring while washing his hands; he was going to propose to his girlfriend in a few days. Janet decided that the ring belonged to Catherine. Why?
Answer: If the ring belonged to Sarah, then she wouldn't have mentioned emeralds, because the stones on the ring are red, not green. And Harold wouldn't have been allowed in the ladies' room. Catherine was the only one who knew about the engraving on the ring, as well as how precious it is, so the ring must be hers.
Ring in the Ladies' Room Riddle Meme.
Ring in the Ladies' Room Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are four cards in front of you. You don't know the suits, but that's not important. Assume that all of the following statements are true: 1) There are no ace cards. 2) The difference between the third card and the first card is 8. 3) The difference between the fourth card and the second card is 7. 4) There are no face cards. 5) The card on the left cannot be greater than the card on the right. What are the four cards?
Answer: The card on the far left is a 2, the card next to it is a 3, then there is a 10, and there is a 10 next to the first 10 card. Hey, I didn't say there couldn't be any cards of the SAME value!
Four Cards Riddle Meme.
Four Cards Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.